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United Kingdom
42218 - BMO BioConnect ID 42218
84133 - AMRaneys
86797 - DisabilityHelp
86796 - Sales force Alerts
29244 - CS3 Marketing
43541 - CarComm FDTag
44871 - Siemen's Employee Alerts
85468 - Gilt
29237 - MarysMeals
31558 - Twilio Alerts
32884 - twilio
32882 - Cigna2FA
42227 - 2SMS notifications
44881 - HGTV SMS Services
72094 - McGrawHill
72092 - Prov doc 72092
67509 - Voxeo Educational Alerts
358678 - OC Promo Alerts
72099 - COVID-19 Alerts *006886
56862 - Delmarva Power Alerts
43526 - 3jam reply-all text messaging
332020 - WeCount
68825 - 68825 Mastercard
68828 - Convoy of Hope
684636 - 411 Directory Assistance
72085 - FPCD Alerts
30249 - MBNA 3DS One Time Password
97463 - Logix
333386 - FabFitFun
96132 - COVIDSMBOwnerAlerts
68810 - PSEG
84161 - Playtex Baby Mobile
42203 - EZBZ
345345 - Twilio 345345
29248 - Invoice Cloud Alerts
97475 - 91176 MLB Player Vote 97475
32891 - Salesforce
44954 - Spreadshirt
56840 - CarNow
84056 - Visa 84056
447336 - Wells Fargo Txt 4 Green
30305 - Informatica SC 30305
97360 - Suggested Jobs Alerts *134624
30300 - Progenity MSG SVC
98690 - KVD Beauty
96033 - NFCU Text Banking
97364 - ScratchPay
60195 - Wirefast
20972 - Kaiser Permanente COVID Alerts
20978 - CADAlerts
84066 - Eastern alerts
31628 - Lead Dolphin Promo alerts
32958 - Virta
44961 - Dillards Special Order
72171 - American Airlines flight status Test Cod
32951 - TrialCard Mobile Alerts 32951
84072 - Delta Uplift Alerts
411365 - Sitevoice
436664 - Columbus Dispatch Mobile Alerts
81802 - COVA
30322 - OtezlaPatientSupport
73499 - MMG Text Alerts
96058 - BigIronAuction
44938 - Sales force Alerts
244769 - 92887 MLB Player Vote 244769
43613 - Sales force Alerts
96064 - CatapultK12
30319 - Carlson Mobile
20992 - ECC
30310 - Gymboree Loyalty Alerts
96065 - AirkitLiveDemos
97398 - Clicksend Alerts
96066 - OraPharma
72155 - Motonav
73489 - SinglePoint Status Alerts
60162 - AllSaints
60169 - BoschWindshieldWiper
334733 - 93768 Degree Program Alerts
81825 - Visa Gap Promotional
20945 - Citi fteu alerts
47195 - AM 950 the FAN
81827 - 81827 IngenioRX Alerts Reminders
44918 - Conoco Alerts 44918
59166 - Sales force Alerts
72144 - Diet Doc Alerts
73478 - AARP
61480 - SurveyVitals Survey Alerts
59181 - Akyta Inc
562273 - Jobcase Casemail Alerts *006800
35191 - Sales force Alerts
56908 - Dealcom
884884 - Purple Alerts
61487 - Hawaiian Airlines
447363 - 447363 -Mobivity
61470 - Citi 61470
20961 - AWS Testing OTP
59178 - Crosslink Professional
47166 - PGA TOUR Alerts *006882
61475 - Twilio 61475
60144 - RouteThisSupport
31615 - Citi 31615
73455 - eScreen Alerts and One Time Messaging
80519 - AMTumi
74788 - Prestonwood
20969 - 77265 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
501247 - CRAIN
74786 - 006188 Hawaii Family Dental Appointment
20951 - USMed
47177 - Professional Service Alerts
61462 - TIAA Bank Alerts
80520 - USAN
80522 - Jenson
47181 - mPulse Prescription Alerts
80523 - aon alerts
74777 - Asurion
74772 - Sales force Alerts
35160 - AMMgemi
72109 - NT BOPIS SMS
59132 - Merck KEY+YOU Alerts
268782 - VirginiaMed
62787 - I'm Here At Alerts 62787
966337 - GoldnHappiness
23175 - Chase Auto
60121 - FISFRM-2088_OTP
80536 - TempleCollege
81862 - X-Factor Notification Alerts
50799 - CATCHAT Offer Alerts
59122 - VCA Animal Hospitals Appt Alerts
73431 - Company Alerts
74767 - WLWK
50795 - Sales force Alerts
62770 - MarsCandy
74758 - Your GOOD Team
73422 - Outreach
81876 - mXact Connect
48490 - RoyCooper for NC
73421 - Capital One Fraud Alerts
527867 - Toshiba LAPTOP expert
35143 - Library Notices
59138 - VINELink
20921 - Diamond Resorts
762538 - Sales force Alerts
23199 - Sales force Alerts
47124 - VertexGPS
61431 - Verizon Fios5G
23198 - UML Admissions Applicant Promotions
81889 - Great Schools
32907 - AT&T
81888 - TextPower Alts
32900 - HHAN
62768 - NYP Radiology
352583 - FloridaBlueCustomer
527878 - Kaplan Test Prep Updates
20911 - i911
81890 - PartyStrands
737587 - GiantEagle
62756 - Marlo Thomas Mobile Alerts
81893 - PC2Cell
23194 - Assurant Authentication Alerts
81895 - USCG Homeport Alert SMS Notifications
80567 - ADP Benefit Alerts
623623 - Brentwood Baptist
81899 - The Live Line Mobile Alerts
20917 - CMBText
762522 - Quicken loans info alerts
50757 - AARP
49766 - Tradjenta Savings Program
61411 - UCD61411
24466 - Sales force Alerts
80571 - Visa Gap Promotional 6
23130 - Otis Production
24463 - CHIME
80578 - Wellpay
50767 - AMFigs
36443 - WellHealth
25789 - MyDMV
25787 - SHOPALT
48447 - NetGym
49774 - MtSinaiHospital
411321 - ecoFiles Alerts
24491 - AMU Alerts
525252 - Black Skate Digital
24493 - Mixer Alerts 24493
35133 - LWCC
35134 - Twilio 35134
48429 - Pogoseat
91257 - CC Bank Mobile Banking
91255 - 77125 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
91256 - Pyramyd Alerts
865766 - TextYou Back Real Estate Alerts
48425 - HarryDavidPromos
36453 - NIKE Mobile Alerts
48423 - AMobile Ann Taylor
62716 - OverGroup
35127 - Elevate
67038 - PocketSide
93327 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts_93327
94659 - FranklinElectric
327685 - Farmville1
67032 - Tire Discounter
69696 - Woot Alerts
44393 - PushPay
806262 - ANB Online Banking
68367 - Sales force Alerts
44397 - Short code 44397
79015 - PTSB OTP
70680 - BlueTrust
56377 - Duke Alerts and Notifications 56377
55046 - Phone Charge International
31077 - C-Bus Alerts
95984 - Backflip Queries
95999 - StormPost
70677 - Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
465336 - 106874 MShift Golden1 Alerts
55061 - Prov Doc 55061
27801 - SaaviAcct
81350 - 2XU Promo Alerts
82684 - Wellth
466663 - Consumer Alerts
31063 - Workstream
55059 - Cable order reminders
69679 - Discover Test Code2
44379 - BoosterService
71998 - BollBranch
71997 - StudentConnections
69673 - Priceless Foods Alerts
69674 - AIA
43047 - ChristChurch
466677 - Hilton Honors
31096 - Goldstar
39812 - First Financial Northwest Bank
71992 - Bidadoo Reminder Alerts
31094 - JotLabs
55020 - HughesNet
94672 - Modernis
55021 - UP55021
71990 - Citi SC 71990
31095 - XtremeLashes
56355 - Compass NSF Alerts
57685 - 57685-Paybyphone-Twilio
31090 - Referrizer
94678 - TelLingua App Alerts
68338 - SMS Global PIN
377911 - 79945 2SMS UofM Alerts
31092 - SnowCollege
67000 - FortuneBuilders
27820 - Twilio Alerts
44391 - StrideHealth
67008 - Anyone Home Inc
44390 - LoyaleHealthcare Alerts *006338
70654 - Brake Service
56368 - Schedulicity Appt Notifications
93357 - Plingo Alerts
773694 - Spenzi Coupon Alerts
57669 - BBT Mobile-Banking
467947 - Goszip Mall Alerts
57660 - AMDiaco
56333 - 56333 Mobile
94698 - Card2
94699 - PenFedCU RIM
70641 - TodayTix Promo Alerts
43037 - ChristChurch
68316 - Ibotta
70639 - Stop Aging Now
327637 - Monsanto Alerts
69644 - Jockey
466626 - GoMobo Ready-time alerts
68310 - Welltok
43036 - DodgesLoyalty
55017 - Acquis LLC
44364 - Telesofia
32351 - T.Rowe
56344 - AmHealth
70631 - ALASTIN
46998 - Bark
32391 - 32391
71953 - Sales force Alerts
31060 - SouthCoastHealth
80077 - Comic Relief Inc.
46990 - Call it quits alerts
46996 - HealthyImpact
56314 - Home Science Tool Alerts
56316 - Bayside Church
43018 - Turbo Text to Download
69626 - 74568 netomat wywh Alerts
70615 - USA Text Alerts
326326 - FBN
20395 - 77105 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
80088 - Cacique
44344 - RK Holdings - Rural King
80085 - TommyRunAlerts
44345 - HZB
898385 - txtnote
32379 - Mastercard
21676 - CBS CW 90210 and Vampire Diaries
56320 - UncommonGoods
46976 - 46976 - WideOrbit Alerts and Trivia
777218 - NCRR
57626 - J.P. Morgan Asset Management Promos
639562 - Stevens-Henager
22999 - Textedly Hosp
69604 - GYFT Notification alerts
21665 - 21665 AWD Fare Alert
21661 - Plivo, Inc.
44321 - GiveLively
58967 - Luxor Hotel and Casino Promotion Line
34975 - 006256 Nexxt Alerts 34975
767878 - Pop Tarts
46954 - CellSmartMessages
46953 - LanguageSelect
71919 - Cirque
87505 - Bloomz
57603 - Saatva
58933 - BILLERIQ
32343 - Arcos2
87507 - HHI
32342 - Pearl Holding Payments Alerts
33672 - Sales force Alerts
71900 - Tracfone TelCel Alerts
62196 - BankMobileFTEU
21688 - KouponMediaA
46968 - Cigna Health Alerts
21684 - Telask Quit Smoking Alert
87517 - Oobeo Valet
31005 - NeuroFlow
467933 - HenryFD
31006 - TForce
31001 - Connexions Loyalty
31000 - Prosource
20304 - BigFishGames
88850 - MCC Query
627548 - InMarkit
22962 - Abbott Med Alerts
20301 - MYRXS Alert
33619 - Local Media San Diego
939393 - SchoolStatus
87528 - OfferAlerts SMS Alerts
58913 - MidAtlantic Cap Grp
87522 - CIMplicityNurse
34947 - ERExpress
34946 - Dizgo Mobile Alerts
75497 - Bank of Hope Alerts
696969 - NutraClick SMS Promos
21639 - Influenster
75499 - MaviJeans
99507 - DBS
358782 - Leidos
46942 - Bechtel Alerts
484437 - Hughes Mobile Alerts
46941 - PT Oils Plant Therapy
33601 - DollarGeneral
34937 - Fixer
208208 - BuckTheQuo
74153 - Rate My Hospital
695628 - LMCUAlerts
22959 - Teradata 22959
99515 - Site AMD
712712 - Sun Pharmaceutical Alerts
243500 - SummitCreditUnion
50173 - Marketing Alerts
34960 - ValoreBooks Quote Alerts
74146 - NextTrucking
63485 - Friendly's Alerts
86221 - Full Measure 2
21643 - Relay Network Rx Service Alerts
472472 - HumanRightsCampaign
63487 - MDG
63488 - Sales force Alerts
33622 - ClubBody
34951 - Digital ID and Deeplinks Bank of America
87442 - Alerts
777295 - SFSuperBowl
87447 - ChurchAlerts
88777 - RabbiSchneiderTexts
50273 - Envision Appt Alerts
50270 - StaplesPrint
75575 - The Coca-Cola Company - Mello Yello Win
472428 - InstantService Support
74249 - Succesfactor
37290 - MacroPointDriver
87457 - ClaimsInspection
50283 - Mobile Communication Service
447447 - Novartis alerts
75568 - FonRoots
953787 - YieldStreet
20404 - ChatterResearch
63573 - MarcFisher
88792 - Clinical Ref Lab
86138 - ReviewInvite
473770 - GoldmanSachs
473771 - GoldmanSachs
86135 - LoanMe
86139 - Salesforce
51583 - COVA 7
473774 - Pepsi 473774
346867 - UOPFIN Alerts
76887 - Synovus Financial
242223 - OTVC Verification for CIBC
64890 - PioneerRx
242226 - CIBCAlerts
242227 - CIBC2FA
76872 - FIO alerts
51590 - UCBSavings
51592 - My Secure Update
99453 - MFC Alerts
98121 - AllSouth FCU Text Message Banking
76873 - Realtime Clinical Trial Alerts
51597 - Sales force Alerts
63550 - Pepcoin
52891 - Comcast4
64880 - IVR LP 2
86157 - Text More Info
51560 - US Bank Lease and Loan Application
25277 - ARM Solutions Alerts
98135 - Go-CheckIn Alerts *134833
99461 - Centene Ambetter Alerts Program
98132 - St John
87491 - LivePerson AllState
38581 - Trice
63540 - MetroDermatology
86165 - SignalHealth
63546 - LTK13
64878 - Mitsubishi Event Alerts
63541 - Twilio SC 63541
825368 - Montage
25271 - Attentive Alerts *006818
50248 - Comm On Demand2
227346 - EdwardsLifeSciences
808808 - RealEstateLab
75524 - NNI Text Demos
99478 - TxTag Balace Alerts
75523 - Sales force Alerts
37245 - e-Ha
38577 - FullSkoop
86172 - Cigna
50218 - Brighthouse
736723 - Property Source
64865 - ReadySub
64866 - PEPCO D Alerts
86175 - LurMedia
227337 - Empire
37273 - Freebird
86181 - So You Think You Know
50210 - Market2mobile Promo Alerts
86185 - SignalHealth
876937 - T. Rowe Price Retail Alerts
99497 - Sales force Alerts
447464 - Montage SMS Alerts
37269 - TrialCard Mobile Alerts 37269
25296 - HigherMeAMC
50227 - Westmark 50227
639473 - Sales force Alerts
40876 - CrushCake Alerts
52857 - Laura Geller
25233 - Pylon
83924 - University of Washington Huskies BNC
83927 - Texar
79098 - MIR3 Intelligent Notifications
37218 - Card1
52855 - Teacher Texts
40879 - HEB Customer Comments Chat
13246 - 3Ci Test Code
38548 - HugoBoss
51523 - Hope
76824 - Real Estate Alerts
773786 - Yahoo
64831 - HRBlock
82605 - gammaCore FTEU
83937 - Optus Short code
79087 - ConnectMe Onboarding
76812 - SMS76812
38534 - State of Illinois DoIT
38537 - Sales force Alerts
747487 - MSap
40850 - GOTV West
50201 - JohnsPizza
322824 - Fact24 Emergency Alerts
39861 - GuildEducation
785736 - PostilionBank
37240 - BrightCourse
79085 - Welltok1
25255 - GoodStartCheckups
98197 - iHeart
82611 - mPulse Back Pain Tips
82614 - WDS Global
38565 - RBS
25247 - US Bank Enterprise Paging Alerts
25252 - 25252 RouteShout
37227 - Flixbus Delay Alert
563872 - Jewish National Fund
52819 - GreenwayHealth2
52818 - GoDaddy
95947 - ReadyGames
52817 - PMallPromos
94618 - zero cater confirmation alerts
26523 - Pharmacy Alerts
83960 - Click Enterprize