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United Kingdom
97945 - EspressoTcktAlts
96627 - ButterflyMX
96626 - CodifyAutomotive
73928 - Ulster Savings Bank Text Banking
46322 - FCA
61948 - IBM
58306 - Teleflora
33021 - 33021Elise
200100 - Sales force Alerts
58303 - At Home Insider Perks
96625 - Zoommobile
97956 - OptiContacts SMS Alerts
58302 - NimbleRX
23656 - Twilio SC 23656
35684 - VA Lottery Retailer Portal
47627 - Snap Finger
96637 - Tiger Woods Mobile
73911 - Winsupply
47628 - TracNSave Alerts
684336 - Alerts & Notices MVIDEO
61937 - SciPlus
684332 - NorthwoodUniversity
59609 - BlitzzSupport
34309 - Mergis Group Alerts
444666 - Athoc Alerts
36962 - MediaPing
22313 - FeldMsgSvc
95317 - NuDeliverIt
73906 - Marketron Info Alerts
73905 - CareCloud
865265 - Chronic Unlocks Alerts
47634 - Airship QA DC2
84665 - Campus Bellhops Promo Alerts
443322 - Kia News Alerts
444653 - HHGregg Moible Club
23673 - Sales force Alerts
35621 - Tal Highmark
95315 - MB 2FA
23672 - UpfrontHealthcare
21011 - 21011-TextnShout-Twilio
83342 - San Diego HHSA
83341 - First Citizens Bank Alerts for Business
52197 - DCEH3
77494 - Sales force Alerts
96653 - Enbrel
697678 - Post Universe
24997 - Gottex Studio Alerts
22337 - Applebees
82022 - 82022-Genentech-5thFinger
84685 - GE Self Service Portal Alerts
82029 - SnagHiringAsst
405060 - 96728 CreditDataResrcs FroggyPay Alerta
77489 - Sales force Alerts
94000 - Clearstream Church Alerts
95335 - CarbonHealthAlerts
23614 - GSSelect
836753 - Temple
82034 - LTK20
36929 - Fox Sports Alerts
83368 - 1stCommunityBank
96670 - AmazonPinPoint
52173 - SITO News Alerts
96671 - Citi 96671
96678 - SMECO High Bill Alert
94017 - Cardinal Edgepark Alerts 94017
239673 - Google AdWords - IMN
39199 - RF-FRM-2237
39196 - Sales force Alerts
722729 - RentACenter
734734 - 006187 REI Alerts 734734
82048 - CLEAResult Alerts
77464 - Ontario
22306 - Gamechanger
78798 - AMAgjeans
64142 - carmax
24964 - Jared's Payment
82052 - GEM Voting
347437 - DSCC Alerts
82056 - Urban Birdy
83389 - DieselBrothersAlerts
53483 - MedicatEHR
35615 - Twilio Account Info Alerts
77450 - SunlightFinancial
76126 - UTOrthoPROMIS
76128 - Fidelity Banking Alerts
23621 - Lyft
40183 - SaverLife
66798 - Legacy2
52166 - RMCN
77444 - Childrens Health Sys
78773 - Carvant
35601 - ADP Job Inquiry and Interview Chatbot *0
95372 - Bank Notifications
94045 - RateForceAlerts
77449 - ParadigmPioneers
35600 -
95379 - Sales force Alerts
78777 - VettesCash
64122 - Phone2Action
64123 - StepOne Promo Alerts
40157 - KZPT-FM
82074 - Grammarly
27179 - National Childrens Study UCI
76100 - Xfinity App Download Info
78762 - Sales force Alerts
95382 - Migration for 38255
94054 - CASAAlerts
76108 - JuiceBeauty
76109 - Clever People Alerts
39155 - experian acct alerts
78766 - PNM
39156 - GioninosPizza Alerts
41498 - Super Messaging
41490 - Phone2ActionAdvocacy
252688 - APC
28499 - CDYNE Reminders
41496 - Atlanta Hawks News Alerts
52141 - FormFox
94069 - Mogli
949494 - EZ Texting Informational Texting Alerts
78757 - HipCricket
39149 - Great American Photo Contest
66763 - Christmas Tree Shops
82090 - HPB
42797 - Georgia Power Info Alerts
64108 - Tidebuy Alerts
66769 - Discover FTEU Card Alerts
450450 - The LASIK Vision Institute *006853
41461 - College Campus Text-to-Win
66765 - GMF Alerts
776542 - Prolia
94070 - The Grommet
78748 - 78748code
78747 - Ricks Cabaret
77418 - AmazonAtoZ
94079 - Move In car Alerts
53445 - Twilio 53445
78746 - 124588 Jack Henry & Associates FSCB Text
40146 - PCClaims
41479 - Number Info - Locator
66753 - Gotham - IMN
94090 - MessagesofFaith
52120 - GlobalCashCard
661661 - HDMC College Alerts
53459 - JimRickard
52126 - SouthwestGas1
42895 - CenturyLink Network Escalation Tool
42897 - AMRevolve
492273 - HudsonYardsHC
54873 - Vitamin Wizards Alerts
746788 - DA Promo Alerts
28594 - Atomic Mobile Alerts
78848 - Connexions Loyalty
54876 - CrawfordCo
78846 - SMS GupShup
41575 - Twilio 41575
41577 - DealerFlow
41570 - TextDeals Loyalty Alerts
40240 - Nokia Field Force
65521 - Amerisave
53551 - Health Market US Quote2
311541 - KBIG
39229 - GiftYa
78837 - Piper Lou
91715 - Social Flash Media Photo Sharing
39227 - NFCU Info Alerts
53557 - PowerOfLoveMinistry
54880 - 3jam reply-all text messaging
39224 - IWPharmacy
53553 - Kelle
89400 - Wasbi
39261 - E1 APPT
40216 - COMCAST40216
629468 - Max International Alerts
41540 - PMS
54852 - Plivo, Inc.
89405 - TransCommService
54858 - Sigma
39257 - MEA Info On Demand SMS Banking Service
41553 - Sideshow
40224 - 77268 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
898989 - MRay Alerts on Demand
818818 - EZ Texting Promotions *006351
28598 - co info alerts
66839 - Security Alerts
289999 - BUYWYZ
91735 - Jobs Radar
90407 - TXT180 Offers
896325 - Tyndall Text Banking
90402 - HealthNote
53533 - 53 Direct OTP
90403 - PunchBowl
39246 - List engage
41520 - Sales force Alerts
42850 - RF-FRM-2237
53508 - JobCorps
42857 - AbbVie2
27218 - Monticello Pizza Alerts
28548 - DCP
66821 - NOVA
28550 - Smart and Final alerts
467267 - LA Rams Text Program
54834 - MuellerSmartSearch
53504 - 53504_Microsoft MDM
53503 - 53503_Microsoft MDM
53502 - 53502_Microsoft MDM
53501 - 53501_Microsoft MDM
53500 - 53500_Microsoft MDM
90411 - Jax2go Mobile
88101 - Triple Crown
40204 - Stand up to Cancer
41537 - mGage Product Updates
66814 - Penn Foster
89439 - Furniture Marketing Group
27205 - Better Homes & Gardens Give Thanks
69089 - Church360
746752 - AMShopLc
353387 - Michelin
88107 - Fenty Beauty
66819 - Moores Cancer Center
30853 - Todays Lucky Winner
89443 - Sales force Alerts
438767 - GetSMS
54814 - DOHMH Surveys
467283 - Savewire Alerts
39216 - ADP 39216
89454 - VetSupport Alerts *006810
42842 - Employee Alerts
41512 - SonyEricsson Ready-to-Run
41511 - Sales force Alerts
27228 - Deaconess Alerts
27227 - IntelePeer Event Notifications & Updates
71383 - PenFed Personal Loan
30875 - KAMA
90445 - Hasbro Alerts
88133 - 3jam reply-all text messaging
843843 - Citi 843843
28508 - ShoeSensationAlerts
89461 - RaiseMe
88132 - MojoAlerts
42812 -
33097 - Ollie
42818 - SAT Track
88142 - CCPN
91790 - PCH CUST SVC
467234 - Multi Factor
69053 - Augme Alerts 69053
89486 - DCFChildCare
89482 - HSBC Alerts
28527 - Twilio
30840 - Worktank
60692 - StuartWeitzman
30837 - MobilizeAmerica
232266 - 232266 -Twilio
30833 - Exclusive Agent Recruiting and Onboardin
444555 - SurePark
72673 - Free Alerts
69019 - Wisely
60680 - Blackboard
90494 - mPulse Carpal Tunnel Alerts
72669 - Potbelly
46376 - NationalHardware
842553 - HipTickle
69011 - PizzaHut2
232273 - CECARE Outage Alerts
58353 - KeepTruckin
72667 - People Mobile
34385 - ETS Communication
71333 - Phone2Action
46387 - MBX LLC
22397 - mGage 401k Alerts
46389 - UtahState
46388 - GLOW
46390 - Sales force Alerts
85919 - MSSHIFT
46392 - TAPP alerts
73985 - PulseNetwork
58363 - ProspectConverter
88190 - Freaky Fast Rewards *006301
397772 - ExtraSpace
30802 - Klipzo
46351 - Ammunition Depot
60665 - ChipIn
47682 - Targeted Victory Alerts
46358 - VivekaHealthBenefit
21097 - MedBridge
21096 - CalFire
58338 - Groupon App Download *006709
60662 - The Lounge by AT&T
59661 - Bento
21098 - ODS Community Dental
47687 - Groupme
59667 - RatesVIP
57003 - PhoneClaim3
72638 - West Derm-Palm Springs
72635 - Boston University Barnes and Noble Colle
60654 - Zhout2
45037 - Ushur
45035 - World Financial Group
45036 - Kornerstone
21091 - Abolish
21092 - VivifyPathways
84606 - Gabbart
21093 - DocuSign Alert *006817
21090 - CMS HIGLAS Alerts *006877
33065 - citi 33065
58341 - Funds555 Alerts
33064 - American Water Alerts
71300 - Gallery
268268 - AMU Alerts
97808 - HSBC Fraud Alerts
60520 - Davey Tree OTP
23577 - Property Rangers (PR) Alerts
47543 - RoboCent Info alerts
59528 - Sales force Alerts
59526 - ePrize
59524 - Twilo SC 59524
97802 - MediBookr
46228 - BU Admissions Texting
59537 - Sales force Alerts
85831 - Ideal Image Promotions Alerts *006314
59538 - Ancestory
35546 - TimeSimplicity
61846 - Visa 61846
35543 - Spectrum Alerts IVR Message Notification
34213 - DryRiver
58203 - Next IT
73821 - Eating Recovery
23597 - Urban Decay
61831 - CC Account Alerts
35579 - Twilio SC 35579
34240 - JacksDelicious
35571 - Barnes and Noble College
35574 - PSECU
96508 - Anytime Fitness Update Notifications
46205 - PhoneClaim2
752687 - Plantscom
686868 - MoneyMailer powered by Cellfire
47533 - Pcard address
85858 - PremiumRetail
84527 - Central Blood Bank Alerts
61826 - Miraclesuite
76076 - EZ Texting Reminders & Promotions *00635
282566 - Avalon Properties
64088 - NOC Offer Alerts
23535 - BetterHelp
23534 - SmartCustomer
85860 - Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Demo
47500 - EUCRISA
76069 - Wayfair
77395 - Charter
372578 - Flagstar Bank Text Banking
64078 - O'Reilly Alerts
97843 - SW Open time Alerts
64076 - Thumbvista Alerts
61806 - Cengage
83211 - RevelHealth
77387 - OJOs Insights
76058 - Elead CRM
76054 - Client Retention and Sales Alerts
800888 - OmnimediaGrowth
96526 - Twilio Alerts
64080 - TeamMcCarthy
64066 - Live Nation Brand
65392 - GStarRAW
23552 - ForHealth
84558 - MDU
85886 - Healthcrowd Wellness alerts
34204 - LTK8
76041 - NYCHealth2FA
77372 - Xfinity Prepaid
753987 - PLEXUS
96531 - ASLChatbot
696228 - OrangeCountyCUAlerts
35534 - CourtCall
34203 - Talemetry HCA
97861 - RentCafeProperty
878683 - Votizen
35530 - LM Alert
52079 - ApptReminder
23540 - AMHotTopic
76036 - GrooveLife
36855 - First National Bank
65390 - Line5Notific
65391 - ConsejoSano
97875 - ExactTarget Product Alerts
76038 - Marriott Human Resources Notifications
96544 - Technisource Alerts
77369 - RETAIN
65377 - Olymipics Quiz
24821 - Greenfield Advantage
836872 - Ventra
78690 - eLynxNotifications
64048 - Clutch Prep
78682 -
53382 - DBN
95223 - RoyaltyRewards
24829 - 103348 ClairMail Inc Elan Bank Alerts
322265 - FBBank
722848 - Sierra Central CU Alerts
64038 - Interact
65368 - SARA
787383 - Purdue University Global alerts
96566 - Arcos
96563 - Citi 96563
76017 - TAMUCC OTP
78679 - LencoMobile2
97895 - Sales force Alerts
23519 - Trialcard Mobile Solutions
65351 - Phone2ActionAdvocacy
64029 - St. Luke
78663 - Stonedine Alerts
77333 - Road to NY Sweeps
95243 - 006210 ConnectiveRx Alerts 95243
96574 - PediatricAssociates
95245 - Citi SC 95245
24838 - SpendCard Info alerts
65344 - Apple Repair Comm
39097 - 1FBUSA Fraud Alerts
65340 - Sales force Alerts
734876 - Med Alerts
23500 - Anaheim Ducks Hockey Honda Center
79984 - Brigit
79985 - RockwoodShutters
95258 - Sales force Alerts
95250 - AMStockX
79986 - Tal NorthWell
83280 - Mend
41368 - Sales force Alerts
65331 - cruchfield order status alerts
39041 - Facebook OTP
64000 - Strategic SMS Alert
42691 - Click2Cellphone
252797 - Alabama Power Customer Notifications
64003 - FIS Global Mass
28398 - Active alerts
54676 - StraighTalk Marketing Alerts
787333 - Purdue Federal Alerts
27061 - VOIPO Marketing Alerts
78646 - StudentBlue
52014 - Northampton Computer Repair Chat Alerts
79978 - First in Stars Alerts 79978
78644 - Dial My Calls
83293 - IronBow2
52013 - RepayCentsibly
28378 - Dart
78632 - Security Alerts
30695 - Vertex Reminders
53352 - IVR LP 1
79969 - SevenFigure
39025 - CloudSpeaker Event Alerts
55985 - Chase Fraud Alt
487853 - Hustle
42671 - 88125 Enowit ImWithChris Kiko Sushi Alts
65313 - Aetna: Security Code
95285 - Real Estate Alerts
872500 - USBank
78624 - Atlantic BT
776678 - PromptAlert
55981 - 20th Television
42688 - ComradSocks
41350 - PatPat
686824 - 686824-Avation-Twilio
55995 - Twilio SC 55995
95292 - COTA
95294 - ServPro
55990 - SYWR
41442 - VIE MA
42775 - ZINGY
42777 - Get it Alerts
66749 - utlic
54753 - HealthForHer
78728 - Straight Talk Balance Alerts
95184 - TE Incident
962362 - ZocDoc
287466 - CurionPanelist
40123 - Google Maps
42787 - I'm Here At Alerts 42787
53431 - ChoptAlerts
54764 - TrustCo Text Banking
54766 - Lipso Alerts
80947 - Class Edition Alerts
39107 - 006209 ConnectiveRx Alerts 39107
42752 - Pager duty
78710 - OpeningCeremony
39140 - ideeli alerts
39145 - National Treasures Mobile Alerts
91608 - iMMD Alerts
771854 - PolyPrep Counseling Alerts
54733 - TD Bank Small Business OTP
41424 - AllerganSupport
91604 - Seritas
66715 - Apex
28490 - Clutch Alerts
42762 - RxMobile Copay
322322 - Employee Alert
80960 - LTK16