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United Kingdom
45348 - mGage ServiceNow Alerts
305311 - Sales force Alerts
211112 - AMA
211111 - Sales force Alerts
60980 - Gillibrand2020
45346 - 006186 Sand&Sky Promo Alerts
84998 - Lulus2
46676 - MSN Lock and Wipe
44012 - BCBS Crit Alerts 3
72960 - Brittex Financial
59982 - CCUMessaging
58651 - JunkKing
59983 - Pulte
72963 - GoPayment Service
59984 - Sales force Alerts
94314 - BenefitMall
44028 - KristinCavall
46688 - co info alerts
46687 - San Diego MTS Alerts
82344 - AMTireBuyer
83678 - AvidRegistration
94321 - Soapy Joes
56000 - GM Mobile App
96981 - Massdrop
56003 - BallotTRACE
56005 - WhenWeAllVote
21359 - MB Alert
842273 - PtoPNYs
60962 - Cordial Promo & Transactional
22682 - CanvaVerification
45322 - LTK17
32008 - American Airlines Employee Alerts
34663 -
58630 - AllenLund
96995 - Spring Creek Church
95664 - AlertSolutions
21349 - Sparklight Company Emergency Alerts
59963 - Visual Tour Real Estate alerts
72935 - SpyderLynk Mobile Alerts
46667 - HonorHealth
22678 - Abort Search
44000 - Daystohappiness Alerts
81035 - PollBuzzer
81033 - MDLIVENotifications
45332 - Cornell Text Alerts
45333 - 45333
687733 - SOM SMS Service
58646 - Legwork
71600 - CRM Texting Info Alerts
373411 - 1-800-FREE411
35984 - Concur Locate&Alert on Demand
95679 - CFS
94347 - AMRallyVIDA
45305 - NAMIStTammany
46637 - VeteransUnited
72928 - Viame
46639 - Honeygrow
46632 - AMC notifications
46633 - GoodMoney
687749 - Murphy Alerts
47963 - Option 1
45300 - Juli
60946 - 91167 MLB Player Vote 60946
59948 - Promo Fulfillment
94356 - 76 Alerts 94356
94359 - Zoo Doctor
21365 - mPulse Acne Control Alerts
81056 - WellCare Notifications *134886
81058 - FRESH Text Club by Brookshire's
45313 - Message Media Code 45313
82389 - DNN
60934 - Cargo
75189 - DynamicSignal
75183 - SoftSurroundings
60937 - Sales force Alerts
47946 - IconSwim
58622 - Upshift Notification
667242 - SolarMosaic
63192 - UWGAdmissions
81060 - Heartbeat
81066 - MW Order Alerts
34628 - Sales force Alerts
34629 - UniOfOklahoma
94370 - Aclara Software
34623 - Norvartis Medication Support
34621 - StateOfColorado
22636 - WO Sweeps
22639 - prize logic alerts
63183 - ESPN Insider Text Club
23966 - Tower Loan
63189 - ParcelPending
60914 - San Diego MTS Alerts
58602 - DigitalPatientTFA
76496 - MMS Alerts
76498 - Mass Mutual Transaction Updates
76495 - ConsejoSano
94381 - CHAHealthMessages
34611 - AmwellHospital
94382 - FindShadow
20003 - IMAPIZZA
200400 - Txt4health
825725 - Valpak SMS
694853 - Gulf Power Alerts
81083 - EZ Texting DEMO *006861
81087 - Sales force Alerts
21331 - MarshfieldClinic
777553 - Sparkle
63178 - Sales force Alerts
34648 - Harbor Freight Tools Alerts
35979 - AmerenFlexPay
75156 - EnsoRings
59904 - Lancaster Breast Cancer Alerts
789537 - Styleseat
35970 - Texas A&M University BNC College
22659 - MyUnique
22657 - QuonticBank
47932 - COVR
90807 - FootLocker
22652 - Citizens Bank Account Alerts
21321 - VerveWireless
81098 - HomeCreditUS
764262 - Summit
75140 - AMConverse
426464 - PLAYMDT
22600 - Automotive Broadcasting Network
47903 - Topcall Alphapage System - Messaging
89824 - Straight Talk Balance Alerts
89825 - Alerts *006184
75134 - So You Think You Know
23938 - Renfroe
76468 - Esmeralda
63144 - Twilio Alerts
366283 - Mobile Alerts
35907 - 77128 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
90826 - MM Reminder alerts
77788 - CountyServices
566566 - AllyORecruiting
88510 - Logingov
40490 - Live Scene
567890 - Boston Marathon
88512 - DidgeBridge
52477 - GiveRight Campaign Alerts
76443 - MeUndies Alerts
90837 - SMS Connect
90833 - AmeripriseSMSAlerts
264328 - AHA
75100 - Paula White
266987 - Connexus
524737 - Kaiser
35924 - OfficeDepotCS
76432 - 91170 MLB Player Vote 76432 @ SR
52484 - CITIBANK Alerts
35925 - Castlight Health Alerts
52480 - Dell Customer Notify
76431 - Protect My ID Alerts
90847 - Lemontree
75104 - Columbia
893893 - KSBJ
40595 - TXVia Paypower VisaTravelMoneyCard - IMN
38276 - AlertSense
65890 - KDSP Radio
88416 - Survey Site Guru
89743 - Grayscale
88418 - IRIODeals
40592 - School SMS
65896 - CDYNE Alerts
77873 - FordD4URS
747753 - Ripple Networks
52574 - SmartSys
89758 - Quartet
836367 - VendorMarketplace
64556 - Dr. First Alerts
89755 - Discover Info on Demand
90744 - DIRECTV Account Notifications
77865 - ScoreCardRewards
87102 - FarmersInsurance
88434 - ShoeSensation
63211 - 97408 Interop Enowit Ventana Alerts
65873 - 105409 MIS NJ Transit PD Alerts
77859 - Quu Promo
53887 - Wescom Fraud Alerts
77858 - SeekMobile Alerts
53883 - Fresh Finds Transactional
22709 - State Farm Bill & Payment Alerts
90752 - Boeing Alerts
40585 - Watermark Church
38285 - DavidsBridal
89775 - CL Delta Customer Care
698398 - LeadsPush
64531 - Blue Auto Interactive
26299 - QuickLendNow
51230 - Curalinc
89779 - Payday USA
52560 - Fresh Career Finder
746453 - One Plus
53895 - LowesPrivacy
88454 - Lou and Grey
90773 - J Jill
87123 - DougforGeorgia
89782 - FedEx SC 89782
89787 - Passcode Alert *005813
64520 - Textnet Company Alerts
88459 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts_88459
205205 - SamsClub
52537 - Los Angeles Lakers
53865 - ChicSoul
41897 - Sideshow Alerts *134879
77827 - 77827 IngenioRX Alerts Reminders
26236 - Whispir
999222 - FCAEventInfo
41891 - FullCircle365
53871 - CarAdvise
38215 - Web2Carzcom LTD
51212 - Mauro Archer Program
77826 - AugustusCommerce
77820 - unitedSWalerts
39542 - Centene Medicaid Alerts
53878 - Carts guru inc
40530 - MOSAIC_WIC
747739 - Short Code 747739
88479 - Tuff Shed Alerts
99122 - Dow Jones News Alerts
40539 - ZealCreditUnion
40537 - Fingerhut Mobile
53844 - LPKaplan
38245 - FlyBuy
90797 - YouWeb Quiz Alerts
87153 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts
87154 - EMDSerono
26258 - CDYNE Alerts
848363 - TGTFind
53856 - Reptrax SMS
52525 - RockChurch
27536 - Senatorial Race Alerts ARLEN
27532 - FirstCitizensBank
27535 - DeltaCSService
27531 - Workstride
27540 - FCR
41846 - RideApp
784784 - MMANY
39512 - AttentiveMobileDK
53820 - Mozes_MobileSubscription_LVSWTCH_US53820
304050 - Murpay Alerts
84900 - wasbi alerts
655248 - Roam secure
445544 - Text Services
56083 - FORDDEMO
698326 - Sports Sign UP
41820 - SITO
53804 - UCLA Alert
69396 - 100568 Intercept ACH Alerts 69396
26223 - West Elm Mkting
445537 - Happy Hiller Alerts *006117
70381 - Nordstrom INC
70380 - CrawfordCo
84918 - Radio
84916 - PGE Flex 2.0 Alerts *006355
39536 - Sacramento Kings Mobile Offers
38207 - SMSPINConfirmation
38201 - LivePerson
39531 - NastyGal
87191 - NaviGate
233233 - Hannaford Supermarkets
69385 - LivePerson CLink
68055 - Steinlager Pure International
56092 - LMR
234567 - Boston Marathon Runner Alerts
99181 - ArrayPatientSupport
84924 - AcuteCareAlerts
99178 - American Career Guide *006327
41835 - 91179 MLB Player Vote 41835 @ SR
39522 - PhenomPeople
70378 - Key Bank Alerts
39521 - Sales force Alerts
32094 - AMKEHJenni
57394 - 101648 AdHeadz Education Alerts 57394
28822 - It Can Wait
44080 - Trelegy App Download
71694 - Event Farm
746465 - DYL Gateway
44086 - AAPA
68039 - Salesforce
84945 - AMSoylent
83615 - Idials Media Group Alerts
32078 - Stuller Text Notifications
57397 - GrubHub
70356 - Element451
96935 - SmileDirectClub
70349 - PerryWeatherAlerts
44053 - RBC
68027 - Candid
69357 - ServiceReminder
57363 - Ytel Connect
70343 - Overstock
96932 - ClockFour
72999 - AARP
57382 - GetFeedback
84960 - MblRealEst
27502 - Mondelez Global Employee Comm
45397 - ConferenceQuery
45394 - EmboldHealth
729937 - Payzer
32096 - BridefordTutoring
72991 - AdventHealth
72995 - Mobile Buyers Club
57375 - Atlanta Hawks
22125 - Advantage Solutions
73718 - Freebirds Deals
48758 - MyHealthACHScreening
48759 - BadgerDaylighting
48753 - RushmoreDrive
61731 - Blend
34109 - FPU Notifications
60408 - PCH Alerts *006834
34108 - AWS Testing OTP
48768 - LionDesk
59403 - MedShift Match
35434 - Ifit
48769 - W2World Alerts
73703 - Carbyne 911 VLR
73704 - 3C Mobile Alerts
48764 - Ubrelvy
48767 - HigherGround
61721 - BulwarkExterminating
776777 - Prosper
48760 - Traeger Grills
48761 - EverWash
48763 - LivePerson Spirit
48770 - Liberty Mutual Ins
36751 - CitusHealth
36758 - Lakeside Transactional
22144 - Twilio 22144
22142 - Buildium
97705 - FastHearingAid Alerts
48735 - PotteryTrans
97709 - McDonaldsSurvey
85724 - Imperfect
588273 - Juvare
61714 - Sales force Alerts
97703 - INH Hair
35456 - Citi 35456
24799 - WGW
48742 - Itric MARS Alerts
24798 - University of Northern Iowa
24796 - Cigna
85739 - MMS-Aramark Jam
77289 - Consumer Preferences Test code
97710 - WalMart World
97713 - Hy-Vee Internal Communications
24749 - Whispir
97727 - LibertyMutual
84410 - BrightCellars
85745 - GetAround Rental Alerts
84418 - FollowApp
36727 - LTK2
36720 - CaliBamboo
65286 - First Tennessee Bank Fraud Alerts
534466 - Flag Alerts
776737 - DeepSearch
97730 - Comcast
546448 - Jingit
22105 - Short code 22105
24766 - Houston Chronicle Real
24764 - SmartCMobile
8777 - USPS Informed Delivery
77257 - Priceless Picks
85765 - Travel Safely
84435 - Discovery Donor Clinic *006250
53284 - The Standard Claim Status Alerts
65280 - CHRISTUSHealthAlerts
97743 - GenerationNYC
97747 - HousingAssistance
65263 - MissionLane2FA
66593 - TeleFarmers
738477 - P3Intel
48700 - SubaruCampaigning
948338 - Twilio 948338
270270 - JPMC
362867 - Med411
546463 - BK Mobile Alerts
36733 - IlMakiage
96420 - Sales force Alerts
764743 - 107049 Bob Rohrman Auto Service Alerts
65253 - MissionLane2FA
66580 - Ryaltris
83128 - Sales force Alerts
65258 - IQ Office Alerts
97760 - Sales force Alerts
97765 - Sales force Alerts
54591 - Survey Hunt
53268 - D&B Supply Coupon Alerts
54596 - Legal Zoom Promo Alerts
53267 - 85c Bakery Cafe
77238 - Sales force Alerts
85791 - Alaska Airlines Notifications
85790 - C4C Punto Por Punto Alerts
41292 - MSJC
84466 - WO Sweeps
84469 - Sales force Alerts
77222 - Textedly
53276 - Sales force Alerts
53273 - LeaseStar Property Alerts
77228 - Twilio SC 77228
78556 - Arcos
84472 - BPCreates
83141 - Rocket Jobs Alerts
24722 - Sales force Alerts
437237 - Gerber Alerts
83140 - GirlfriendCollective
84476 - ACI Worldwide
83143 - KreditFly Notifications
79871 - RosterMonsterCallout
66566 - AMobile
787473 - Stripe confirmation Alert
53248 - JacksonEnergy
77214 - Aetna UM-Precert
24713 - FarmersFridge
66554 - Mediacom
24711 - 7-11 Promotions
84484 - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Tips
66559 - MediacomComms
66555 - SendHub Info Alerts
67886 - Optum Health Account Alerts
11414 - 11414 - Inland Short Code
77207 - Cyntrix
54583 - mPulse Vision Care Tips
692578 - NY Alerts
861925 - Sales force Alerts
808080 - Avochato
41247 - MySocialPractice
84499 - Johnsonville
987987 - CommunityConnect
54555 - ConventionOfStates
28273 - 1ClicMax Alerts
96479 - BlackDiamondWealth
96473 - UpFront Celebrity Alerts
96475 - WoodforestFrdAlert
95146 - MobileMarketMe
54553 - Ford Reward Alerts
66530 - iloop-Vivre M-66530-IMN
65201 - FallFestSignUp
83170 - ADC alerts
42588 - Sales force Alerts
66539 - SmartAsAFox
41251 - Needle
41259 - Off Duty Trainer Alerts
41254 - Plivo 41254
55896 - Klaviyo
30574 - Soberlink Reminder Alerts
55898 - TJX
79842 - Delta
95158 - Sales Force 95158
80907 - Optics Planet
787464 - Strings App Alerts
54560 - OmahaSteaks
96488 - UTIStudentEvent
54561 - PropertiesOnline
564267 - Logans
43888 - MobiTVAlerts
53209 - Haku
42550 - Loyal3 IPO Alerts
253782 - VISA Alerts
253781 - Etrade
55868 - RevTrax
95165 - SPP
95166 - LendingUSA
79839 - DePuy Synthes (subsidiary of Johnson & J
54539 - EngageMsgs
95168 - RentTheRunway
79833 - MyPriviaAlerts
43895 - CDP
28279 - GE Bank Mobile Banking 4
66512 - Random House
41231 - GreenCrest
55876 - LimeCrime
30599 - IntermexAlerts
30597 - HealthCrowd
79827 - mGage NOC Alerts
264437 - Angies List
588229 - Bath and Body Works Mobile Info Alerts
27018 - Nexmo 2FA Alerts
67958 - CSPAdmissions
29676 - Reral time Opinion
29683 - Bravo TV Work Out Tips Program
31996 - SlickText
28350 - JusticeWorks
96395 - QuadF
858255 - TK TALK
43994 - carefirst account alerts
43995 - Sales Force 43995
41334 - Amazon TCS3
83092 - CaptainU Alerts
42668 - NGIC
43997 - 117152 Huntington Cafe Deals Alerts
41338 - HP Infolabs Alerts
42660 - InVenue Alerts
79928 - USC Alerts
83099 - BenefitMe Alerts