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United Kingdom
81611 - Sales force Alerts
50589 - MyMama Alerts
74534 - First Alerts
81615 - World AIDS Day - Light to Unite
75868 - Concert Upgrade
73206 - Citi 73206
94933 - ACVPromos
37583 - GNCChat
48235 - Indiana Army national Guard
24267 - ChampionEnergy
61210 - EzCaterOrder
25596 - 25596 -Brooklyn-Twilio
25595 - Ally Alerts *006525
63879 - Talentify Job
51883 - WegmansMeals2GO
774748 - Spirit Airlines Flight Alerts *134891
50553 - AM Dental Alerts
243257 - Checkr Inc
25587 - AllOfUsPA
74519 - Cambridge university
24256 - ADT
63866 - BrainCorp
24252 - AandEAlerts
63861 - Affordable Medicare Alerts Quote
24255 - Affirm Payments and Reminder Alerts *006
227662 - Barona Alerts
62539 - ShowMobile Alerts
50566 - NayzilamSavings
74510 - UPMCAlerts
50539 - Golden alerts
75837 - EqualityHealth
62521 - Daily Challenge Alerts
82975 - TrueValue
63857 - Minnetonka Moccasin Co.
62526 - Twilio 62526
37599 - Tonic
24291 - Citi 24291
50532 - MJI Rock Alerts
75834 - Sales force Alerts
51861 - KEH Camera
51862 - In-Venue Vote
37597 - UOPDEV Team Update
696377 - Hilton Reservation Alerts
48221 - MoneyTips
4023 - UMM Employee
624748 - The N's Channel Finder
762763 - Rmbr me
62500 - Credit Alerts
78093 - TravelCenters of America *134884
81665 - MBUSA News & Announcements
82998 - Mobile Tech
468873 - Vuse Promo Alerts
653276 - OnPoint CellCast Solution
227629 - Carmax
50510 - Radio Response
38861 - SITO
94972 - LibertyMutual
51858 - WaitingMed
66097 - PostscriptAlerts
25548 - BCBS Crit Alerts 2
94985 - ExtremeTerrain Mobile Alerts *006873
24215 - Twilio SC 24215
80348 - WaterstoneMortgage
36230 - GravityReminders
267278 - CoPart
478227 - Famous Daves one time enrollment alert
49502 - StrikeIron Alters and Notifications
80354 - Citi SC 80354
36228 - PenFedCU
63813 - 63813 - FrontRush - Twilio
91009 - Marketron Info Alerts
37559 - Tonic
79398 - Justin Timberlake
49517 - EICC alerts
51837 - Betwext
25568 - WTW
80361 - LibertyMutual
78060 - Conversica
78061 - EastwoodAlerts
80365 - TRX PIN Authentification
49511 - Grange
78059 - Stop Aging Now Orders
737782 - PepBoys Text
79389 - Sparklight Outages
36214 - VCU PIN
50837 - Verification 1
48515 - UPS Delivery Alerts
91385 - Davey Tree notification
23215 - 91047 MLB Player Vote 23215
48519 - 48519-Afaria-Sybase
89067 - Goodyear Locator
62828 - Vanguard Visual Voice
36527 - IntegraCredit
77077 - EMoneyUSA
89076 - KIOI Mobile Alerts & Radio Promo
65084 - Twilio 65084
49854 - Wells Fargo Health Advantage 49854
25862 - LunaFlooring
48525 - Hersheys
48524 - TitleMax Info Alert
78395 - SnagWork
37847 - Captain D's VIP
50813 - AMPapermart
695452 - Glidewell
24564 - Twilio 24564
442424 - SmartEnergyWater
24560 - Sales force Alerts
77053 - 99611 Soundbite BofA Alerts
65083 - Sales force Alerts
66398 - Dupixent
37872 - GPSHospitality
89097 - FashionNova1
544487 - 544487 -Energy-Twilio
66395 - EmploymentSurvey
89098 - TicketsNow
48509 - DigitalFrontDoor
23229 - VETInfo
382265 - First Bank
25882 - Brew Club by FRESH
48502 - Share911
774334 - Sales force Alerts
23221 - ClosingBell
78378 - QST APPT
78377 - The STEPS Info Alerts
314159 - TextYang2020
66387 - 66387 -Twilio
695472 - My LIPA
24508 - TextApplyKohls
49809 - Absolut
41082 - Sales force Alerts
77040 - VISA Digital Card Services
25830 - PumpSpy
41086 - RxOffers Prescription Savings
41088 - CipherHealth
41089 - Vast Info & Alerts
85507 - Wynn Alerts
41090 - Phone2Action
263736 - Ameren
41091 - mGage IT Requests
77032 - HomeAndAuto
41092 - Menzies
37811 - Frucall
822548 - Thumbtack Service Alerts
50800 - Cooney
41093 - Travel Insured International
41094 - SmartEnergy
990099 - Amerisave
49812 - NMU
53078 - IUAlerts
79685 - Radio One Baltimore
37801 - IntouchMDPromo
77021 - Comenity Capital Bank Visa Alerts
66367 - Mobile Bidding Notifications
85521 - First Mid Text Banking
41063 - Uber OTP
42393 - Senske Services Alerts
66368 - Ondot
24518 - Asplundh Employee Notification
78346 - FarmCredit
53041 - ECHO Inc
41079 - TD USBC Account Servicing
24517 - mPulse Breathing Exercise Tips
65021 - Centivo
237471 - Sales force Alerts
24513 - Online Exchange
65027 - MG Trans
78332 - mPulse Joint Soreness Tips
37822 - Talemetry
37821 - RestroomAlert
97528 - First Billing App Alerts
65017 - Caribou
41043 - COIN-New Clear Channel 41043
65018 - Nike
30389 - SupplyDrop
55680 - Sales force Alerts
53025 - Madison Square Gardens
97539 - AMSociety6
847898 - VIPTXT
67668 - LoyalReach
42387 - DCEH
518118 - Cuentas program alerts
66336 - Vans Mobile Alerts
28060 - RetailMENot
500005 - CapsuleRX
79649 -
97533 - PurchasingPower
55697 - PivotBioAlerts
53036 - Chase Payment Card UAT
42355 - 4cellbyrealty
43686 - Geo
42358 - MasterCard Test Short Code
85565 - NICHD
84237 - Vibes Media - Test Code
41023 - EncoreBank
287729 - CVS Specialty Account alerts
97545 - Cardholder Authentication State Employee
56990 - Cosentyx Adherence Alerts 56990
53005 - Atkins Nutritionals
42369 - Newcastle Alerts
85573 - Microsoft
872811 - USANorth811
222746 - PeoplePIM
97556 - MyCHOP
222747 - BCBS
42337 - 4Beep
85584 - MyBenefitExpress
44999 - Textedly Retail
84257 - Central Blood Bank Alerts
56975 - APIHealthcare
67634 - mGage
79611 - Rite Aid Internal Alerts
56977 - Spenny's Deal Alerts
96230 - Radio One
733835 - Murphy USA
55642 - KettlebellKitchen
84260 - StraightTalk Balance Alerts
42349 - Text-to-Screen
68955 - MemberEngagement
41018 - Sales force Alerts
85598 - iHeart WMGF
43672 - Mobilize Me Offer Alerts
56986 - iRide Mobile Alerts
55655 - Fortiva Retail Credit
97571 - Trialcard Alerts
30338 - TropicalSmoothie
287797 - CVS Pharmacy
79606 - TMCAlerts
222725 - BCBSAL
56982 - ReviewBuzz
55650 - 89 Degrees Alerts
43644 - Sales force Alerts
43643 - Atlassian
43649 - JCHRAlerts
43648 - Gladney Adoption Inquiries
774363 - info alerts
43640 - WonoloPromos
56955 - Tony B's Alerts
30368 - GrubHub
28053 - Sales force Alerts
28052 - Sales force Alerts
96256 - Sales force Alerts
44986 - LiveOakBankAlerts
44985 - Central Pacific Alerts
44987 - Relief Benefits
733863 - Advent Financial
68937 - Shell Alerts
96261 - SmileDirectClub
96260 - Trialcard Alerts
56967 - Arclight Cinemas
97595 - PPS Text Program
96268 - GSK
31681 - W8TER
30351 - Sales force Alerts
56961 - Amazon Self Service Alerts
42411 - Besider
411263 - 4112ME
42413 - US Bioservices Alerts
97482 - inTouch Diabetes
28109 - MB Alert
28107 - Chase Fraud
55721 - DailySteals
767241 - Porch Alerts
31758 - Sales force Alerts
67719 - Tic Toc Alerts
55727 - Conduent BenefitWallet OTP
768578 - DPSG Sunkist
30412 - Claires
31748 - Citi Online Virtual Assistant (COVA)
67700 - StarBucks 67700
31742 - Sedwick County
30411 - Steve Bullock
96166 - US Bank
81918 - L1SMS Alerts
462872 - TaxiMagic Promo Alerts
29458 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts_29458
55701 - WNYL-FM
30447 - Naked Wines
72289 - Local Jobs Alerts
42400 - Impact Mobile
60297 - PB Kids Tran
81931 - HEB Careers Chat
30438 - RF-FRM-2237
55715 - Cardholder Authentication
31760 - Mozes_MobileSubscription_LIVESWITCH_US
31761 - Monthly refill, savings, and adherence
60281 - CMS Alarm alerts
702775 - OneNevadaCU
702777 - HRHC
31716 - EClinicalWorks OTP
81942 - Convergence
732589 - Agile Shared Education Standard
96194 - Rasmussen Collegis Alerts
96197 - Brand/product announcements alerts
31711 - HNIAlerts
31714 - Citi fteu alerts
72261 - CovidScheduling
81957 - Mad Mobile Alerts
31704 - Tokyo Joe's Addict Club *006071
227588 - Haverty alerts
31705 - Prov doc 31705
31703 - UCIPEIDSSurveys
31700 - SavingsProgram
31701 - MindStrong
59270 - Sales force Alerts
59271 - AVLAlerts
61592 - 91182 MLB Player Vote 61592
60265 - Members reminders
80630 - ScriptSave
30400 - Clorox Flu Alerts
81964 - Citi Online Virtual Assistant (COVA)
31732 - MyHOP
30405 - Groundcrew
72240 - SMB
30403 - WorkingFamilies
29419 - MonetizationGroup
59267 - FoodJets
59281 - Safari Hotels
744599 - Mobile Alerts
74896 - whisper 2
61570 - BW Emp Alerts
60240 - Paul Mitchell
73559 - The Textsweep
48596 - Ytel Short code 48596
61579 - Watch US Fly
74881 - AMBostonProper
74880 - Syniverse TR DEMO 2
228883 - ACUVUE
74886 - vineyard vines
59247 - FreedomPlus
865625 - Chronic Alerts
59248 - Naber
47276 - Alliance Fraud
36598 - Ruvna
725437 - 725437_Waterfall Bulk Batch1
243373 - LittleCaesars
36596 - CAT Parts
73537 - Spend Alerts
89000 - OverTheTop
60223 - OneMainUpdates
48576 - TIAA Service Alerts
80670 - MSFT Solitaire
62884 - MoZeusPhotoDelivery
61558 - Coors Light Text2Win
466398 - GM Mobile Club
62889 - Beverly Hills MD Text Club
59224 - ClickSend Marketing Alerts
59226 - Sales force Alerts
74863 - SamsungService
47257 - HireVue
73526 - SELCOCU
48587 - HULU
61541 - NationBuilder Alerts
228853 - Marine Corps Notification Services
62872 - Sprinter Service Alerts
60210 - 107853 ClairMail Arvest Bank Alerts
792273 - Sybase Classic ProAm
62879 - Radio Promotion 2
48593 - 91180 MLB Player Vote 48593
35288 - Metro Livery Leasing
91343 - PeakResort
6776 - 67760 Bernie 2020
80690 - Chico's Off the Rack Alerts
49887 - 91181 MLB Player Vote 49887
61533 - MobileVerbs
47227 - Boingo VIP
47221 - HSBC Activate
49882 - Inherit alerts
49883 - Farxiga
49889 - AHRA
49884 - WilliamsCo49884
61530 - AT&T TC Link
49885 - 134913 Lottery's Retailer Portal 49885
36569 - EnjoyDelivery
49890 - Jardiance Savings Program
60207 - US Bank Acct Servicing
91347 - 91186 MLB Player Vote 91347
91354 - Salesforce
394253 - BannerHealth
47233 - LifeNexus Prepaid Card
24581 - Asplundh Employee Notification
37887 - TheRoomPlace
50886 - Forman Mills
59212 - AmazonReceipts
36552 - WellbutrinXL
36553 - MoNotify
91360 - University of Connecticut BNC College
50856 - YaEngage
49864 - Shareity
47202 - Zego Inc
47200 - Hancock Msg Svc
49865 - LoneStarCollegeSMS
61513 - Twilio 61513
62847 - Mavis Reservation Alerts
35256 - AMCarraaTeddy
525377 - LAKERS
89050 - Family Alerts
89054 - Great College Degrees Online
48543 - Order pizza app alerts
23265 - ScramSystemsAlerts
49874 - Sales force Alerts
77089 - Tracfone Marketing Alerts
35249 - Vibrent Health
62836 - Maven Alert
77087 - Carespeak
35247 - 75085 Acuity Mobile Six Flags Alerts
377825 - Frost National Bank P2P Payment
50716 - Concordia University Information *006799
49726 - Sales force Alerts
49725 - NES
24421 - Flytxt Ad Response
467868 - Instant taxi
36404 - HeliumComedy
492837 - NestleWaters
48407 - State of IL Alert
24411 - Dealer Text Solutions
24413 - MM Marketing Alerts
25740 - Axa
48404 - CBC Verification Service
37725 - Progressive Leasing Transactional
37729 - Dropbox two factor authetication
37721 - MET Event Alerts
91288 - PRNOnDemand
78262 - AvantGuardAlerts
54297 - mPulse Anxiety Disorder Tips
23109 - GreenwayHealth1
23108 - IvyHigherEdChatbot
66273 - Washington Federal ( WAFD ) WAFD Alerts
24435 - SonarCustomerAlerts
25762 - CallWave Visual Voicemail
36412 - LA Court
786432 - SunHealth
66267 - Oncor
78247 - 81445 Qtags Gademo Alerts 78247
79576 - AT&T
428294 - 4A TAXI
86724 - Key Rewards
78235 - Giant Promo Notices
54292 - inEnterprise Alerts
67591 - Nomic Verification Alert
54283 - Twilio
42278 - Instacart
30296 - 006191 Message Broadcast Alert 30296
370370 - 3Seventy
86731 - GO2 Program Updates & Offers
222689 - AAAOnTheWay
834636 - 411 Directory Assistance
67579 - Doxy
66247 - CBS Local - Mobile Alerts
66232 - Sales force Alerts
37713 - Pearson VUE Test Takers
42282 - BBVA Compass Bank
622365 - 006234 NBA Event & News Alerts 622365
67569 - Doxy
37706 - Georges St-Pierre
595959 - EZ Texting Reminders & Promotions
78214 - Sales force Alerts
79549 - DMS
78210 - Insight Express
97407 - Transactional MMS/SMS Alerts
66222 - Air Canada Alerts
86754 - AllyO
29286 - Mobivity29286
222663 - AccessOneAlerts
67559 - Indigo
85426 - 85426 IngenioRX Alerts Reminders
29284 - BGEC PTR Smart Energy Rewards
97402 - US Bank Corporate Payment System Access
97418 - FiorellaInsuranceAlerts
56891 - Santander Account Change Alerts
68876 - Synchrony
287866 - CustomMade
274539 - Ashley furniture delivery alerts
42269 - Clean Air NY Alerts
68878 - Solutions by Text
67546 - Sales force Alerts
68875 - Spring Market Text Club
86772 - Job Alerts US
54243 - 006228 NY Lottery Retailer Portal 54243
79527 - VF Activation Trial
97416 - FISTextBankin7
43561 - AGP Alerts
97426 - FSB Bank Alerts
97421 - Sales force Alerts
30280 - Obopay
67522 - SmartEnergy
68857 - MONQ Alerts
68859 - Nuuly
86789 - XiLi Mobile Alerts
86788 - BottleLabs
30279 - PennyMAC broker
55555 - STANCE
30275 - Culligan
30277 - PerkUp
68848 - WattzOn Energy Saving Tips Alerts
44878 - Splash In Alerts
86792 - AAA SMS Alerts