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United Kingdom
42998 - Peak Alerts
38052 - Twilio 38052
89527 - UOPDEV Team Update
64307 - AMPier1
41665 - SuperCuts
65637 - Town News alerts
368777 - FourSquare
54976 - Centrify
65639 - Textus
52316 - Communications for interested buyers
52315 - CDELightband
88209 - LillysLashes
41676 - ShopLC
89531 - Sales Force 89531
39372 - MobileDojo
88206 - RIDOH-T2Q Message Alerts
52320 - LivePerson
91857 - Citi 91857
91861 - PUC Alerts
88219 - ProsperEDU
26003 - CL Delta ACS
27335 - BNSF
26004 - WDAF-FM
89548 - ConsumerFusion
28672 - MMW Alerts
54957 - Manly Bands
91869 - ETRADE 91869
91866 - DOITT
91873 - PB Teen Mkting
90537 - mGage International Compliance Alerts
42982 - Implementor
91872 - HPSJ
52308 - Academy
27326 - Opencare
27323 - Cobblestone Bread Recipe Alerts
65601 - Southwest Airlines Mobile Boarding Pass
27322 - Sales force Alerts
29983 - AWT
469335 - ZEEL Massage on Demand
29986 - Amazon Direct
54967 - NewSeasons
39306 - Mobimotions
52304 - ConsejoSano
772937 - Crystal Cathedral Prayer Alerts
91877 - Cardmember Service Test Code
53633 - Sales force Alerts
53631 - LibertyLending
91874 - Wentocall
91884 - LTK9
42951 - 91150 MLB Player Vote 42951
91881 - Purity Products
41623 - 91178 MLB Player Vote 41623
41624 - Walmart Claims Text Messaging Program
26026 - N26 2FA
27355 - HomeVestors
54933 - AspenFinancial
38007 - Comerica Bank
41629 - LibertyMutua
91889 - HonorAlerts
91887 - Zillow Listing Alerts
91886 - SnapFinance
38004 - URMedical
39331 - EmojiOut
89574 - TrueMotion
90563 - Optum
91894 - Sales force Alerts
91893 - Logingov2
38000 - Paradox
91890 - BC United Snow Alerts
66914 - twilio alerts
91892 - Sales force Alerts
69189 - Quark
54948 - 96167 ClairMail Ally Bank Alerts
88248 - MoneyViber
70175 - Sam's Club
91898 - Verus
91896 - TextMyGovAlerts
248936 - CitizensDisability
28627 - AllyO
66902 - Sales force Alerts
28623 - WO- 28623
69180 - Verification 2
54910 - UpfrontHealthcare
29957 - FleetEyes Tracking Alerts
446637 - 4Homes Alerts
42941 - ReedGroup
90581 - UniversityHealthCare
688743 - Nutrie acct. verification alert
30932 - PepsiCo
42949 - Sales force Alerts
88270 - Nebraska DHHS2
90597 - 121 Mobile Query
29980 - Twilio SC 29980
45190 - HotwireSupport
30965 - Puget Sound Energy Outage Notifications
27310 - Pure Romance Consultant Communication Al
45195 - Safeway Pharmacy Refill Alerts
29978 - AMGodiva
30963 - Mobile Text Alerts
70144 - ONCO360
71469 - COVA 6
28639 - PMICareerAlerts
88286 - Doximity
386587 - Evolus
71461 - Citi Alerts
72797 - Dress Up Boutique
70133 - Safelink Marketing Alerts
843766 - Roo Club
2293 - Nick Jr. Birthday Club Alerts
33183 - CB Playstation Visa Alerts
33180 - BHMG Parce
57148 - BCBSRI
30907 - Yamaha Boat Alerts
72787 - Pull N Save
58474 - Kinvolved
45177 - Twilio
60797 - Sales force Alerts
34498 - CL Delta Baggage
29905 - Discover Test Code
33163 - VoyageHealthcare
42904 - Citi SC 42904
34493 - AMFam
29909 - Frogzog
769337 - Vail Resorts Alerts
70108 - Sysco
72767 - Infobip OTP
70109 - PureOil
28607 - Cable One Alerts
2275 - MX Test 2275
60784 - 60784 -SMSMarketing-Twilio
28600 - Twilio SC 28600
30921 - Silver Leaf Reservation Reminder
687467 - GOP Alerts
33198 - Free Offers Today
69109 - RTH
58471 - CustomerCare Support Deep Link
702222 - TEXT-4-CAB
561561 - PalmTran Alerts
45154 - SW Airlines OpenTime Alerts
30912 - Sales force Alerts
45158 - WIDWDUI
72755 - 006118 Educational Alerts
58466 - AMErincondren
71779 - Twenty20Alerts
524868 - JP Hunt
844778 - Coca Cola Twist Txt Get 2010
57470 - LiveVox 57470
45483 - Live Nation Brand
82433 - BGEC CBFA High Bill Alert
20184 - AllTrails
57464 - AMAnthropologie
272637 - Bremer Banking Alerts
71770 - KerrAlerts
20179 - Compulink Healthcare
45494 - Kiwibox
44168 - UnitedHealthGroup
69447 - GHS - 69447
856767 - TLO
33484 - Payment reminder
56142 - TxtVox Alerts
919191 - EZ Texting Informational Texting Alerts
95752 - Greenwich Biosciences
28929 - 28929
94424 - MYBOOKIE Alerts
71756 - PureTrim
71755 - 71755-ESPN-Marketron
374657 - iVisionMobile
28923 - TRoweMFA
82453 - Library Notices
44135 - ParadigmPress
58772 - YES Network
69427 - GCSCreditUnion
843438 - Text4Diet
82464 - Whisper 3
83798 - PointPayBilling
57451 - PilgrimAlerts
82469 - MarieForleo
46777 - Pet Supplies Plus Mobile Alerts
70412 - eMinder
45448 - Ford Motor
57456 - Sales force Alerts
45449 - AMMvmtwatches
69418 - Sales force Alerts
20147 - 20147 -VisaInfo
272688 - AlabamaPower
843489 - Quicken loans info alerts
71737 - Eleven
46772 - Sales force Alerts
843482 - North American Bancard
45444 - SITO
69413 - KSJO Mobile Alerts & Radio
58759 - FloridaCourt
34787 - Visible Tech Support Chat
33451 - SFS
58750 - Mindbody
58751 - SW Open time Alerts
57420 - SITI Airlines
57422 - Sales force Alerts
71724 - NYP Appt Reminder
58752 - PGA Tour Alerts
71730 - IRIS
46788 - GMPVT Power Outage Alerts
20137 - Do It Best Promo's
296662 - Azoona
44123 - SlimFast
82483 - Automated Court Event Notifications
663898 - oneTXT
56109 - mPulse Sports Injury Tips
33445 - Fairfax Water Account Alerts
95794 - Affordable Medicare Alerts Quote 2
56102 - Celtra Alerts
95797 - Pfizer Supply Recover Texting
94467 - AttentiveMobileAMI
33477 - RWS Info
783239 - Steady
20166 - YapTap
21495 - BankUnitedAlerts
57400 - Comenity Bank Visa Alerts
44107 - PAI
94479 - Xplorie Alerts
21486 - Citi SC 21486
45433 - Glide App Alerts
46763 - TheHandlers
94484 - Best Western
34799 - StealElephant
33462 - Mobile Hotline
94485 - Twilio 94485
784574 - Quickreg
20106 - DriveOn
20107 - Cascade
46733 - 46733 -Miles-Phizzle
20109 - Applebees
20102 - MarrenMorris
22766 - Captain's Humor
21431 - Citibank SC
427697 - Georgia Power Energy Alerts
46732 - StayWell Alerts
58719 - NailSolution
33415 - Planet Fitness NYE Alerts
34746 - Herff Jones College Alerts *006297
34740 - Sales force Alerts
33411 - Twilio 33411
242843 - CHAT ID
632701 - MDCRPretrialServices
21425 - Twilo Amplify Alerts
777464 - Spring Forward
45411 - 107350 Gumiyo NEWFEATURE Alerts
337637 - SchweigerDermatology
33404 - Young Living
90901 - Lead Maker
90902 - IEHP Health Alerts
692311 - NYC311
691010 - CBS WINS
90919 -
22781 - 22781-VisaInfo
63281 - Summit Racing Order Alerts *006808
63282 - Ultimate Medical Academy (UMA) Promos
21443 - 100759 MShift Messaging Alerts
88602 - DHD
800343 - DignityMemorial
34754 - Net10 Alerts
58707 - InvestorLift
552020 - WeCountMN
463333 - Indeed
58700 - Amnesia
63276 - VistaMarketing
524827 - Jaguar Alerts
88615 - Horizon
22721 - SWBC Info & Alerts
278826 - Art Van
63277 - Sales force Alerts
201815 - Plivo SC 201815
34709 - UTI
90932 - Sales force Alerts
90934 - Visa 90934
88625 - TheGuest
64599 - Mochizmo Alerts
51299 - AptRemindersTxt
22746 - AA CARGO
87300 - Central Bank Alerts
87303 - GreenStone
88638 - Ross
63255 - Cafe Zupas Offer Alerts
64589 - Davids Bridal
34726 - DiscoMess
638898 - MetLife Status Alerts
240240 - AllyOHilton
77896 - Zions First National Bank
22732 - Care2PromoCampaigns
22733 - 22733 -List-Twilio
88648 - Instacart
51273 - MonitorConnect Alerts
34716 - Citi 34716
51270 - AmazonHub
51278 - WI alerts
90963 - NMCourtsReminders
75225 - LifeSeasons
37063 - Daily Feat
89861 - RGT
37066 - Winn-Dixie Alerts
89869 - SuperSaver
88539 - Proflowers Promotional & Transactional *
88535 - mGage
51362 - MYUPMC
75332 - Sales force Alerts
74000 - Church of the Highlands Alerts
75338 - IronBow3
90851 - LiveEventAlerts
89871 - Shelterluv
89873 - MemoText
89872 - UNC Chapel Hill Barnes and Noble College
89874 - ConsejoSano
87212 - MSKG Payment Alerts
89870 - OValet SMS
89879 - Strategy9
89877 - 89877-Delivery
77989 - Karity
38377 - GFD
89878 - RevelConnect
863847 - VF Outlet
90868 - Blue Man Group
76659 - BerkleyNet
37046 - Sales force Alerts
76654 - Stanacard Alerts
51378 - Twilio Code 51378
38379 - Comerica
51376 - SpartanburgAlerts
90865 - US Bank Elan Cardinal Commerce OTP
77987 - Veyo
89882 - Twilio 89882
34807 - LATAM Flight Notifications
89887 - Timberland
64663 - Sales force Alerts
76643 - co info alerts
746321 - VIP Alerts
90874 - ASC
77976 - CareSource
52674 - TheSoundOfVinyl
90876 - Feeders Supply
37077 - Beatbox and Brizzy Alerts
64657 - Twilio 64657
65984 - AppleDeveloper
87239 - PharmOrigins
723637 - StonyBrookMedicine
90888 - Gloo
77969 - GSK
76638 - BLOOMspot Concierge Alerts
77963 - Twilio
90887 - Airbo
77964 - PSYNG Alerts
38351 - FanDuel Promo Alert
88575 - Champ Sports
77959 - NFM Self Service Portal Alerts
63315 - SkyWire Alerts
88570 - EllieMae
25035 - PopHealthCare Alerts
65975 - LifeLink
999333 - AdvoCare
63311 - i2C Short code 63311
77950 - Movitas Alerts
53988 - ZB Test Alerts
51325 - Market Alerts (Data Cross)
90899 - SuperCuts
90898 - Champion
99229 - Twilio SC 99229
37011 - FlyPorter
87253 - MoxiWorks
76619 - SITO News Alerts
87257 - NCFJobSeekerAlerts
25022 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts
848263 - Titan
40680 - Navia Benefits
25023 - TEXT2PARK
26363 - 2ndMDSecondOpinions
99231 - AutoServiceUpdates
77945 - Vetstreet Alerts *006373
77943 - 006144 The Hartford Guided Photo Capture
52662 - Quattro URL
53993 - Barlett Motors
41984 - TXT alerts
26395 - TPVNinja
26396 - Jupiter Ed Alerts 26396
53963 - Alt Brands
38362 - Trial Card Mobile Alerts
41992 - Account Alerts
37037 - Rippleton
87274 - WasteConnections
41996 - Elan
41997 - Mobile Banking
64614 - Prov doc 64614
26379 - Micrologic Assoc
87279 - HawaiianAirlines
25051 - ADP2FA
99259 - YAN Mobile Alerts 99259
77924 - Nucific Alerts
53948 - USCIS IMN
26328 - COFCU
234411 - Bay Area News Group
27657 - Broadway Bank Alerts
27653 - CMI
26320 - Sales force Alerts
99267 - Twilio 99267
39636 - NexGard Reminders
39638 - Rescue Me Trivia
53942 - Whispir
87292 - Knot
77907 - NectarSleep
27650 - Medtronic National Answering Service Txt
317247 - Salesforce
52624 - PatientComp
52621 - Account Notice
41942 - Nebraska FM
41944 - Micronotes
68188 - La Crosse Loggers
27677 - Wodify Alerts
38329 - Sales force Alerts
27680 - Flagstar Bank MyLoans Alerts*134878
38328 - MasterCard
38324 - 38324 -Sweeps-WideOrbit
246411 - 246411 - BIO411 - ConvergentMobile
40621 - PlymouthRockAlerts
41955 - TIAA Marketing Alerts
25007 - Cole-Parmer
28999 - Buzzwire
26333 - 109349 Waterfall Mobile US Army Alerts
27665 - Bank Of NH
28993 - Buzzd 2
95703 - AMMejuri
39649 - OTAir UD's
68185 - Singapore Airlines
38314 - TapOnItTechnology
52600 - mPulse Health Savings Plan Alerts
39644 - PolloTropical
56181 - Walgreens Alerts
28947 - CallWave text messaging
68170 - 68710
41928 - Acme Tools
53901 - AscensionCOVID19
53900 - DBDocs
28939 - DIRECTV Account Notifications
784636 - 411 Directory Assistance
41932 - Fat Burner
27604 - NNI Survey Alerts
945569 - Zillow
82406 - iLoop-Coke Text 2
272710 - WPSUserAlerts
40603 - Twilio 40603
487267 - HealthTrans
56185 - Great Western Bank Fraud Alert
70469 - NNI HCP Sample Request
57493 - eMoneco
44180 - VoteYesFairness
71790 - TechMessageQuery
56157 - Driscolls
27627 - Crocs Locations Finder
68132 - PC2Cell
83751 - Petrol Price List Alerts
28954 - Message Broadcast Alert *006323
82422 - iText Global Alerts
71782 - AppLinkSMSAlerts
41918 - Amazon
70453 - ShiptAlerts
70327 - Docketly
70328 - 70328
32050 - UnitedBaggage
69330 - UpfrontHealthcare
69335 - Newsweek
69337 - MyFES Energy Solutions
57349 - AMTheNorthFace
83648 - University of Iowa
57348 - SmartSource
83647 - CEC PRT Peak Time Savings
45370 -
742864 - Twilio SC 742864
69340 - Promotional MMS/SMS Alerts
58673 - mPulse Medicare Tips
58674 - I Digital SC 58674
56011 - TrialCard Mobile Alerts 56011
58672 - STOPCovid
94305 - PB Kids Mkting
96969 - Order Magic POS Alerts
71645 - Kore News Alerts
56030 - Career Network Job Alert
70319 - 99308 Adeptra Chase Fraud Alerts
60993 - LA Police Gear *006679
60996 - LyftFlexRides
60994 - MerckPatient
21387 - LTK19
83655 - LibertyMutual
45376 - DCEH2
60991 - COVA 60991
60992 - Paradigm Press
83653 - Spark
60998 - Surgical Alerts
32037 - Sales force Alerts
44050 - GOTV North
34696 - SafePlans
638761 - MetroPCS Alerts
69316 - MAACO Franchising LLC
45347 - InstacartPromotions