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United Kingdom
623336 - SteveMadden
626262 - St Jude
626333 - PeachLabs
627328 - Credit Union
627499 - MBSH Highway Alerts
627538 - Market Traders
627539 - Marley
627842 - MarthaStewart
628246 - OCTA Alerts
628466 - Nationwide Insurance Alerts
628683 - Maricopa
628873 - Revlon
633584 - Off 5th
633863 - West Interactive
634537 - Meijer Alerts
635483 - MDLIVE
636273 - Menards
636363 - Sensay
637797 - TPI/TextPower
638123 - MetLife Alerts
639227 - Dealer Text
639344 - Newegg
639639 - New Easy
639666 - Pampers Alerts
639710 - WCAU Alerts
640640 - KFI
642411 - MHA
642642 - Click on US
644636 - iostudio Promotional Alerts
645244 - CellTrust
645343 - Nike NIKEID
645645 - WMGK - FM Philly
646464 - TomJoyner
647338 - Jjill Offer Alerts
647726 - ECS Nissan
649936 - MizzenMain
652729 - State of Michigan AG
653689 - RyngLabs
654654 - Click on US
655555 - Staples
656937 - Lowe’s Promotio
656938 - Lowes
661166 - NewYorkPost
662255 - TruthonCall
662265 - Computer Services
662266 - Mobile Commons Company Reminders
662365 - QWASI
662453 - Syniverse Marketing Alerts
662589 - Moblty
662911 - NBA
663347 - FIS Mobile
663786 - One Roof
664346 - Manheim
664444 - Mazzios
665433 - Marlboro
665600 - JEA
667788 - Supercuts Super
667873 - MNSure
668366 - MoveOn Alerts
668439 - Security Text
668463 - MoviMe Info
669273 - Yext
669436 - Mozido
669769 - NowPow
672489 - Orbitz
672658 - MS Updates
673266 - USFedCourts
674446 - Origin
674636 - VoiceSearch Alerts
676767 - TaiLopez
677123 - MSPA Airport
678328 - MSUFCU Alerts
678910 - Clubroom
679584 - Morgan Stanley
680680 - WRKO-AM Boston
682249 - M&T Bank Mobile Banking
682265 - MT Bank
682848 - MSUFCU Alerts
684356 - OTGExperience
686683 - NightMote
687687 - Food Lion Alerts
687878 - NT Econo Alts
688243 - ConEdison SMS Alerts Notifications
688538 - Kay Jewelers Outlet Alerts
692227 - One-Intuit Identity
692273 - PREMIER
692274 - CashnetUSA Promo
692328 - America First Mobile Banking
692355 - Cellular Sales Alerts
692377 - NYCERS
692622 - MYBMCC Campus Alert
692632 - Bank of America
692667 - Co Op Alerts
692692 - NYC Alerts
692886 - Yes4Text
692911 - NYC SDEMT Alerts
693539 - MYFLEX Mobile
693673 - Ford Car Care
693683 - Dove Alerts
694328 - GECU Alerts
694438 - ProFlowers Promo Alerts
694542 - Gerber Life
694663 - Annas Linens
695433 - MyLife
695465 - Schlage Link
695466 - LionsClubs
695626 - AcademyMortgage
695933 - Incomm Balance Alerts
696222 - NCAA
696328 - Clairmail - Navy Federal Credit Union
696468 - Mint Mobile
696689 - my OmnView
696873 - Metro Transit Police (Non Emergency)
696922 - NY Community Bank
697289 - StarbuckALT
697326 - PECO Power Outage
697333 - Purdue FCU Mobile Banking Alerts
697348 - Message Broadcast
697433 - Houston Transit Alert
697634 - SoFi
697683 - MYSMUD
697697 - Smart_Energy
697895 - New York & Co - Experian
698329 - UFCW Alerts
698443 - Fridays
698722 - USAA Mobile Financial Services
698762 - UPMC
698777 - USPS Employee Alerts
698838 - VUDU InstaWatch
698845 - ClarkPublic
699247 - Gonzaga University
699268 - Washington Mutual - Mobile Banking
699274 - FiServ
699347 - Weis Markets Alerts
699376 - Pepsi Voting
699436 - Kaviva
700700 - FamilyWize
700800 - Churchill Mortgage
701010 - 701010_Business
702411 - urLocus
710710 - ESPN Seattle
711711 - 711 Deal Alerts
717171 - Corinthian-Alt Text Alerts
720720 - DirectTV Root Sports Rocky Mountain
722222 - PCA SMS Alerts
722273 - StonyBrook
722786 - Pacsun Mobile
722797 - Pac Power
724178 - SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
724922 - Schwab
726634 - CareConnect
726777 - Pampers Alerts
726879 - Plentiful
727272 - RedBox
727375 - Shoe Carnival
727977 - Parx Alerts
728315 - GEICO
728377 - TransAmerica
728398 - Experian - Rite Aid
728464 - CapitalOne Mobile
728647 - BC Clarke Jewelry
729329 - AFPD
729669 - RealPage
729729 - JPMC - Pay Connexion
729935 - FISERV
732273 - State Farm Alerts
732348 - LinkMe
732363 - QMCODES
732473 - Fly Communications Mobile Recipes
732735 - Security by Reliant
732738 - Cerca Trova Alerts
732848 - Customer Service
732863 - Marina Excnahge
732873 - Verify Phone Qry
733265 - Reebok
733336 - US BANK RTR
733337 - Becks Hybrid
733353 - Peddler
733455 - South Valley Optical
733676 - 733676_TVM_Mark
733733 - SECC
734265 - Regions Bank Mobile Banking
734283 - SFGate
734934 - PeiWei
734937 - DDC Info Alerts
735283 - Ellipse Apartment Alerts
735343 - Waldo.Photos
735537 - Amazon Seller
736753 - Penske Customer Service
736825 - Dollar Marketing
736848 - SMS Media - TextAListing
737373 - General Account Alerts
737633 - ResMed
737737 - Dr. Pepper
738633 - PetMed Express
738674 - ReV Message Alerts
738768 - In the Chat Pet Samrt
739273 - CarlsonMobileClub
742737 - ING Direct
742742 - RGA Card Alerts
742757 - San Jose Sharks
742926 - Shazam
743325 - Brightline Tickets and Train Status
743551 - Rotella Alerts
743722 - Abercrombie & Fitch Mobile Coupon Club
743898 - Message Broadcast
744487 - Purple Strats
744579 - PhilRx
744625 - Twilio
744638 - Jared msgs
745433 - Text2quit
745569 - Company Store
746756 - Shopko Pharmacy Alerts
746762 - New Balance
746769 - Get More NYC
746798 - Zulily
747464 - MomsRising
747474 - Payless
747747 - British Airways
748588 - DWS Alerts
749373 - MagicLeap
749922 - SMS Technology
755755 - Call Fire Job Alerts
756267 - Quicken Loans Alerts
757104 - WNVZ-FM (Norfolk)
757247 - PLS
759677 - Rky MPR
762237 - MLS Goal of the Week Alerts
762242 - PNC Bank Fraud Alerts
762265 - Clairmail - PNC
762411 - PNC Bank Fraud Alerts
762742 - Smashbox Alerts
762766 - Snap-On Alerts
762775 - DPSG Snapple
764537 - Dental Promos
764663 - Pogo Me
764846 - Smith Monitoring
765674 - Rok Mobile Alerts
766337 - ESC Roofer Assist
766837 - Mr. Rooter
766979 - Mercer HR alerts
766987 - Sony Electronics Alerts
767262 - Bank of America Alerts
767666 - PopMoney
767676 - Impact Testing
767729 - Fiserv Turnkey Zelle
767845 - SoQUIK
768265 - Synovous Bank
768352 - Rotela Alerts
768482 - SmartHub Alerts
768723 - Coinsource
768848 - SOTU Marketing Alerts
769645 - Pennzoil Alerts
769787 - Gamestop
770022 - Hurdl
770077 - Wynn Resorts
772016 - VoterLabs STD
773673 - 7th Sense Alerts
773729 - Incomm Balance Alerts
773929 - Speedway Offers
774731 - Spire Energy Alerts
774774 - SPG Alerts
776688 - SpinoutMbl
776735 - Propel
776776 - Pro
776788 - Grey Healthcare Group (GHG) Informational Alerts
776898 - Relay Network
777000 - Mike & Mike Alerts
777111 - MDM News
777222 - goFastCab
777245 - HCSC mOpportunities
777283 - Price Rite Alerts
777333 - Liberty Mutual
777433 - Puritans Alert
777444 - Mobile Giving Foundation
777483 - Sprite UTC
777539 - Paypal One Time Password
777555 - Digital Fusion Promo
777688 - Sprouts Mobile Saving
777797 - SRP Mobile Bill Alerts
777888 - Tank5 Alerts
777999 - Liberty Mutual
778283 - Quaker State Alerts
778778 - Limited Mobile
780780 - CBS Radio Programming
782278 - Subaru
782887 - Prismpoint
782898 - Cardinal Commerce
782929 - Subway
783527 - Jansen Alerts
784256 - Mint Quicken Informational Alerts
785833 - St. Jude
786411 - SunTrust Mobile Banking
786727 - SunPass
787453 - Bowlmor & AMF Alerts
787462 - Purina
787653 - MSHealth
787753 - SEIU Alerts
788683 - Rock the Vote2
789789 - TWC Mobile
796674 - Nike Swoosh
796847 - Symantec
799737 - CVS RX Crossroads
800800 - Converze Media Group Alerts
802495 - iAmerica Alerts
803720 - NCI Smokefree Alerts
805208 - USAN
805722 - National Alliance Hispanic Health
806075 - Fundraiser Alerts
806123 - Amarillo National Bank
808551 - VotingPollingAlerts
809809 - Nutra Click SMS Promos
811811 - Snipp
812345 - CheapOair
818181 - CallText
822228 - Fidelity Text
822249 - QWASI - Text Biz Builder (TBB)
822822 - Call Fire Product Alerts
822827 - TBBUCS
824636 - Union Bank Alerts
825898 - TBLTXT
826336 - Tandem
826766 - VANS Mobile Alerts
826848 - Vantiv Employee Alerts
827222 - Uber
827438 - Target
827831 - Tarte
828282 - Broadnet Msg
829373 - UAW Ford Alerts
829567 - Taylor Guitars
832273 - TD Credit Card Alerts
832832 - TextUSA Alerts
834357 - InTheChat
834567 - NBC Universal
836647 - The Tennis Channel
836847 - VF Outlet Alerts
837402 - My Travel Scoop
837403 - Del Ray Finanace Account Alerts
837404 - City Wide Banking Account Alerts
837406 - Telesign
837439 - Verify Phone
838255 - VA Crisis Center
839825 - Campus Store Alerts
839837 - TexterMbl
839846 - TextThemIn
839863 - Text Line Chat
839872 - RBFCU
839873 - Radio Disney
839882 - Nelnet alerts
839887 - NBS alerts
839894 - WilmingtonHealth
842538 - Ticketmaster Alerts
842872 - AW
843268 - Cartogram
843326 - CBS Radio Programming
843339 - Marine Corps
843367 - KonigCo Texting Promo Alerts
844328 - Tige Boats
844647 - Smart Things
844844 - Converze Media Group Alerts
847269 - SMS Media - The Holiday Reporter
847389 - Thrifty Reservations/Rental
847411 - Tip411
847438 - Thrifty Marketing
847455 - Raytheon Alerts
847483 - Kaiser Permanente Thrive
848261 - TitanHST
848262 - TitanHST
855299 - Weight Watchers Health Tips
855855 - Call Fire Lead Alerts
862666 - Vocomo
863749 - University of Phoneix
863753 - Temple
864237 - Revolution Messaging
864833 - UCB Alerts
865266 - Volcom Mobile
866563 - UOnlineAlerts
866866 - TextUSA
867530 - House of Blues
867743 - Torrid Mobile
868247 - UMUC
868249 - UMUC Mgmt
868293 - UMUC Mgmt
868464 - CTIA Mobile Alerts
868472 - DPS Mobile
868686 - Urban
868722 - USAA
868727 - Opera ATL
868777 - USPS Employee Alerts
869682 - ECS Toyota
870870 - WWL-AM (New Orleans)
872257 - Toyota
872265 - US Bank
872333 - Clairmail
872337 - Cellit Autotrader
872468 - USGov
872727 - US Bank Alerts
872778 - US Bank Mobile Banking
872835 - CheapOAir
873873 - MBTA Police TIP Alerts
874625 - Trimble
875627 - UP Job Alerts
876247 - UPMC Alerts
876289 - Navy ROTC
876642 - Sonic Drive-In Alerts
876765 - Pepsi Voting
877465 - Victoria Secret - The Marketing Arm
877697 - Nationwide Policy Alerts
877728 - USPS
877898 - URS Corporation
878787 - CellTrust
879438 - Ticket Master
881120 - CBS Radio Programming
882882 - Utah Transit Alerts
883772 - AT&T Cable - Uverse
883773 - AT&T Cable - Uverse
886886 - MindRight
888000 - Epson Alerts
888222 - Chipotle
888333 - Lego Offers
888411 - Webrotator
888555 - OptCulture Alerts
888777 - Nixle
888999 - CrowdFactor
892277 - VWcontest
892390 - Sybase
893932 - Eugene Water
896636 - 2 Men Mover Alerts
897827 - Vystar
898211 - Txt211 Resource Referral Service
898257 - Clinique Order Alerts
898262 - Music Choice Network Show Off
898265 - South Carolina Federal Credit Union
898295 - Lansing BWL
898311 - SAP
898342 - First Interstate Bank
898366 - Dominion Account Alerts
898482 - Clique Alerts
898565 - Joe Malone Alerts
898622 - MAC Order Alerts
898743 - PGE Outage & Billing Alerts
898775 - PPL Electric Utilities
898778 - Prudential
898832 - In The Chat TD
898911 - Intrado
898932 - Intuit
909090 - CallFire
911911 - Dela HS
928766 - IBMWatson
935569 - TextYellow
999111 - AlertSense
999555 - Cotribute
999777 - Blood Donate
2662460 - At&T Business Messaging
2662461 - At&T Business Messaging
2662462 - At&T Business Messaging
79495 - HelloSwizl
66179 - Apisphere Alerts 2
50605 - Twilio SC 50605
63906 - Magicstar
25624 - Samples of Today Alerts
468848 - Small Business Banking
911463 - 911Inform FTEU
79485 - Get Update Alerts *134655
37606 - AFCU
66169 - GetFlashRewards
622275 - Powerade NCAA Alerts
697874 - Rushcard Bal Alerts
66167 - RedeemNow
67494 - Qik Inc. Account Alerts
25658 - IVR MCI Alerts
26989 - Harness
26984 - mPulse Stress Management Alerts
467529 - Playtika Promo alerts
79477 - SwippIt Survey Alerts
282674 - CubaMTopUps
732729 - Sea Ray Alerts
66158 - BAYiQ
24315 - KFB
87911 - Twilo 87911
78135 - HEB Promo Alerts
78132 - AngelAlerts
556223 - 006227 Brownells Notifications 556223
51914 - ALERUS Text Banking
79461 - Plivo, Inc.
66152 - Oxford Funding Alerts
455555 - Compass Mobile Alerts
38955 - 91147 MLB Player Vote 38955
54189 - Transcript Service
78138 - Mercy Customer Alerts
87923 - BIDMC
66149 - Endurance Warranty
66148 - EqualParts
67479 - Wydn alerts
78122 - AT&T Pro
54153 - PokerAtlas
78129 - LPSiriusXM
66136 - Discount notifications
889898 - WeTextIt
67463 - 94827 Waterfall Mobile Viral Alerts