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United Kingdom
83964 - Secure sms chat
64808 - HCA Healthcare Alerts
67084 - ADPAlerts
55085 - AbbVie
55087 - Payfone
40837 - Toppod
27844 - CellTrust Alerts 2
83974 - Sweetgreen
772411 - GovDelivery
82644 - JobTap Job Alerts
83972 - Info Alerts
3035 - Sales force Alerts
82643 - SMKW
887637 - CNscavenger hunt alerts
39821 - CitizensChurchNews
67071 - Sales force Alerts
934489 - Xfinity Marketing Alerts
94637 - WTSO
94639 - OrientalTrading
40811 - Employbridge
352667 - AutoCue
448722 - USAA
39858 - 39858- Kotex
68393 - Everdays
761761 - AxosVirtualAssistant
40814 - Twilio SC 40814
40818 - MyCareSMS
70699 - Homesite Insurance Update
83992 - NoWait
81331 - MCC for NY
83996 - Mobile Bank Query
27862 - Carvana
27870 - 27870_ Alerts
278278 - American Public University
70690 - GOTV Southwest
79025 - SFMC DR 2
39843 - Edward Jones 2FA
39844 - 91148 MLB Player Vote 39844
70698 - Coverdell
55074 - Organic Health Stop
69573 - SECO
478762 - mPusle UPMC Alerts
81227 - DWS Alerts
466772 - NRSC Mobile
237769 - ESPNW Alerts
694225 - MYGCAL
44283 - Send alerts on change in service status
236443 - BENGIE
95871 - FL Retailer Wizard *006385
248422 - 248422 -CBUSOL-Citibank
94540 - Real Apeal
57595 - connect txt alerts
32277 - Sales force Alerts
248423 - CHAT ID
68228 - LTK24
27716 - Outbound Reminder alerts
94550 - StarryInternet
69551 - 69551 SMSBump Alerts
45585 - BBVA Fraud
69556 - Apisphere Alert
95881 - Bongo Alerts
94552 - 94552
694247 - Sales force Alerts
70543 - GE Reminders
70542 - XAP Text
27702 - Inte Q
70538 - Revolve
82585 - alfa policy alerts
45592 - Jackpocket
82584 - Hypno
69546 - Comenity CB Floor and Decor Financial Al
441441 - ChristFellowship
45596 - RitualMessages
71864 - Zepto Query
44238 - Washington Federal ( WAFD ) WAFD Alerts
71855 - Washington Wizards
46899 - Houzz Inc
46898 - GoTWU
21597 - Sureify
21595 - Hotelscom alerts
46897 - RecTracNotifications
69532 - JEA Outage Alerts
21592 - Lakeland
57547 - Texting Bus
32241 - FCCI
94576 - AIU Alerts *006229
20255 - MediaDC
45578 - Plivo SC 45778
69527 - BluestoneBridge
236483 - Central Hudson Info Alerts
69529 - Dynamit
45571 - NEITAdmissionsAlerts
45576 - SoSecureSOSFTEU
57559 - Comm On-Demand
33568 - WhirlpoolOSS
94582 - Advocator Group Alerts
728348 - MyPhoneVault Info Alerts
94586 - Kaggle Verification
32231 - Harness Alerts
248468 - Citi O&T Mobile Alerts
221122 - FritoJobs
70504 - Santa+Friends
71839 - Visa Alerts
45549 - CCS
46876 - IntroMe Alerts
81283 - GlassesUSAcom
20290 - AMStadiumGoods
44212 - Downeast
58855 - Twilio
93263 - SpencerGifts
20270 - FIO alerts
93268 - Wells Fargo Virtual Assistant 93268
465437 - OECOSL
20277 - HollywoodCasino
71829 - Talemetry SAIC
33582 - Delta
248487 - Citi One time Alert
57530 - RAOutdoors
58864 - MySchoolBucks
71813 - 71813- Twilio
21555 - TechBalance
46859 - University of Kentucky
22888 - SLCARDS
45528 - Quote Locate Alerts *134908
45521 - Twilio Alerts
627463 - MarineCorps Notification Services*134256
20220 - Sales force Alerts
46853 - US Bank Expense Wizard
45520 - CuraeApplicationLink
32204 - Obopay
57505 - AT&T
57508 - Toyota Vote
33532 - Embold
45536 - Connexions Loyalty Test Alerts
45534 - Sales force Alerts
62099 - CL Delta Cargo
46866 - TomSteyer2020
45539 - US Bank Corporate Payment System Access
21545 - EveryoneOn update alerts
71803 - AMBombas
46863 - Pay-By-Text
57514 - Microsoft Student Partners Platform
58846 - Credit Score Alerts
58845 - Naturally Slim Tips and Reminders 006143
34856 - SFSCapital RIM
34852 - AlaskaCourtSystem
46835 - Intro Alerts
20246 - Soft Surroundings
62089 - SBA Alert
88710 - GreenwayHealth3
62090 - The Kings College
639426 - GrupoMed
58815 - 2ULaundry
32223 - NewMode
46844 - mPulse Carb Alerts
33547 - KiwiCo
21513 - Rescue Mission Alliance
33549 - Felix Reminder Alerts
672872 - MoibleCon Info Alert
34878 - JCWhitney
22848 - ActiveSymbols
22847 - Camden
766639 - P Money
87400 - Car
63398 - TD Bank 3DS One Time Password
75374 - co info alerts
10858 - Outspoken Test Short Code
74046 - FreeTaxUSA
74047 - Wirefast
46824 - CarComm GOTag
62054 - Greenstone Services Alerts
22837 - Roku
87417 - STDCheckAlerts
87418 - Strikeon
62059 - HobartSvc
10867 - Demo Promo Broadcasts
954954 - March for Our Lives
63370 - JohnDeere
87424 - DoorDash
21530 - FIS Global Blaster
87422 - FAIRWINDS Card Alerts
33513 - VisionworksAlerts
51384 - Shiseido
76685 - AbbVie
74029 - Amgen News Alerts
555222 - AFS Alerts on Demand
99408 - MNCourtReminder
75357 - Alerts and Promos
63362 - CallWave text messaging
383838 - Walmart Daily Special Alerts
46800 - Go800 Legal Tips Alerts
63369 - Vital 63369
86104 - Citibank
76673 - Fidelity
76675 - Visa Gap Promotional 2
99415 - Charter Communications IVR QA
74016 - 102168 BrandAnywhere Club Veg Alert 7401
736863 - Leasestar property alerts
88657 - Text Treasure Hunt
10934 - Sybase Test Short Code
22912 - BloominBrandAlerts
723548 - afelite Customer Update Alerts
345678 - Boston Marathon Alerts
422271 - Salesforce
422272 - 2SMS
50155 - Qgiv Mobile Alerts
87332 -
62135 - Cardholder Authentication ATB Financials
25195 - HK Airlines
75442 - NotableHealth
87338 - TapMango Alerts
90989 - Discover Free Enterprise Alerts FTEU
357662 - FLSMMC
63457 - Targetbase
90990 - USO
34924 - DiscountFilters
86018 - IronBow
10950 - Demo Code
37198 - Salesforce
52796 - ValleyStar Credit Union Alerts
50133 - IHeart WZFT
22934 - Nick Jr. Birthday Club Alerts
88683 - TurboVote
37197 - MorFurniture
34919 - Dominos
98000 - HAHParkingTextToPay
50144 - Herff Jones Yearbooks Alerts *006296
87361 - MBUSA Polls & Surveys
862442 - 92787 Taxi Magic Booking Alert 862442
87366 - Home Boxed Alerts
38470 - Sales force Alerts
64768 - SC Johnson Alerts
64766 - BrotherNotifications
26487 - Cargrill
88698 - Members CCU Text Banking
62100 - Harms Oil
25154 - DiplomatPharmacy
63433 - ABC
26492 - InmateInbox
26494 - Pilot Flying J myOffers Alerts
25161 - FedEx 25161
26493 - ServicePower
76746 - TCFBank
25160 - Minto Money
26490 - Braze
26474 - HighSchoolInIsrael
98021 - JG Wentworth Alerts (JGW Alert
38458 - ClickContact
98028 - FamilySignal
39788 - MTIncidents
98027 - PrivateChefClub
51454 - Cohens
40777 - First Baptist Orlando
333666 - AtHoc Alerts
64743 - NGRID Alerts
265019 - AIM IM2Cell Welcome
22905 - WeChat
50109 - mPulse Healthy Alerts
50108 - AT&T Account Info
26496 - APS
25166 - Mscripts Alerts *134789
777365 - San Manuel Casino Alerts *006902
38476 - Itio
52762 - karma gift alerts
39761 - EXPN 1
51407 - Famous Daves 51407
64722 - RxUniverse
887788 - 887788
27776 - BPPR Balance Alerts
51404 - Twilio Alerts
52733 - Jared's Alerts
51400 - Blit514 Non-Profit Alerts
265022 - AIM IM2Cell Recycle Command
40760 - ABA
27767 - Pink Coconut Boutique
27765 - Wisconsin State Fair Alerts
27764 - Objective Wellness Orders
98071 - FPN
38419 - ParkwayParking
39747 - Newsmax
95801 - AMBrandless
64702 - CNV
898443 - ICE Info Alerts
25134 - Sales force Alerts
26464 - Sales force Alerts
25141 - Syngenta Promotions
83829 - Beacon
98078 - DevinNunes
83826 - VetcoClinics
40737 - BiggerPockets
39776 - MainEvent
25127 - KMEL Mobile Alerts & Radio
26454 - Texas Bay Credit Union Text Banking
999000 - McCluskey
82503 - TrialCard Mobile Alerts 82503
436889 - GenerationTux
95823 - Twilio 95823
265078 - AIM IM2Cell
265077 - AIM IM2Cell
265079 - AIM IM2Cell
27738 - VyStar Credit Union ( VyStar) Banking Al
265074 - AIM IM2Cell
265073 - AIM IM2Cell
265076 - AIM IM2Cell
27735 - Gloot Alerts
265075 - AIM IM2Cell
265071 - AIM IM2Cell
265072 - AIM IM2Cell
265070 - AIM IM2Cell
665665 - NokNok Alerts
83846 - Sales force Alerts
98099 - Raange Client Marketing
729722 - Sterling Credit Corporation
265067 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265066 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
94505 - UPS Flight Operation Notifications
265069 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265068 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265063 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265062 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265065 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
265064 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
27723 - GoodStartMinutes
265061 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
68277 - Twilio Alerts
265060 - AIM IM2Cell Easy Reply
82521 - UCLA
68279 - EnMotive
52700 - AMBlendersEyewear
68282 - TC6828
40724 - Cashwest
39700 - HBN
94501 - SVB
95833 - MyFlexCash
70589 - TM4B
68265 - FTD Promotional & Transactional *006851
27756 - Wisconsin State Fair Alerts
68266 - Nationwide Commercial
82531 - MemberCommunication
44299 - Zenect
82535 - Sales force Alerts
56274 - 97409 Enowit Creeky Tiki Alerts
83866 - Clear Channel - Syracuse NY
39733 - ANS
898411 - Touchpoint
265089 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265088 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265084 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265085 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265087 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
27747 - Allergen Botox Reminder Alerts
265086 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265080 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
81210 - Mobile Messaging Solutions
265081 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
265083 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
82540 - Mastercard OTP
265082 - AIM IM2Cell Forwarding Easy Reply
27742 - Quick Lane Internal Education
622522 - NokiaAdLab
237873 - SureSale CAReport info on Demand
39729 - 006161 TD Test Alerts 39729
39726 - Sales force Alerts
773847 - 773847 -PPDTIP-773847
26725 - Salesforce
40703 - Crate and Barrel and CB2
56287 - Milliman
677677 - MPR
67279 - Sales force Alerts
9449 - 124750 Interop Aio Survey
80258 - 99195 Enowit Harry's Grill Alerts
80259 - ULMAdmissions
38703 - WCG Mobile
38701 - Chase Autosave QA
94892 - KKSN
26715 - Twilio 26715
9450 - AIO Survey
80260 - GetCalFresh
79245 - OnShift
364867 - FN Dealer Alerts
500400 - Text4kids
352867 - Marlboro Mobile Alerts
25411 - Studio System Mobile
67252 - MOM Alerts
26746 - 26746-ESPN-Marketron
25415 - SSIPDQNotifications
38729 - MD JUDICIARY Alerts
38725 - eTrak Alert System
70899 - ParadigmPress
56592 - QuadPay
26736 - AmSen Alerts
26735 - BNSF
627739 - MasseyServices
26731 - Mullen-Bose
222354 - Acceligent
70893 - 70893-twilio
68569 - My WU Redemptions
762798 - SMARxTDIET
67232 - Tracfone Health Alerts
80297 - Phone2Action
773454 - PSEGLI
946369 - Renewal by Andersen Transactional Alerts
67237 - Lafayette FCU Text Banking
55247 - RAINN Mobile Alerts
56579 - Uplift2FA
56570 - Sales force Alerts
67225 - BoardingPass
68550 - MediSkedMFA
68553 - mGage Company Activities Alerts
69887 - Clickatell Notifications
69890 - Forthright
56589 - Connectiverx Alerts 006141
525768 - Angel of the Winds
762781 - SmartOne Prepaid Alerts
26705 - AAGEmpPremTrip
67219 - WheresMyTech
87704 - Geicodrive
69872 - FreedomWorks Mobile VIP Alerts
423706 - CTFP Alerts
247262 - AirBnB
69875 - Godible
44583 - ComptonAlerts
57883 - mPulse Meditation Tips
67207 - idelete
69864 - EClinicalWorks Notification
87716 - MBlackBook
578277 - FiveStars
57890 - Health alerts
57895 - Invisalign
525786 - Angel of the Winds
45888 - Kindred Alerts
70848 - Genesis SMS Text Messaging
844373 - Tiger Service Alerts
20583 - 20583 Frito Lay
69854 - NYULangone
352807 - Marlboro Mobile Alerts II
33898 - GMI Survey
69845 - MyUIL Info Alerts
99701 - Sallie Mae Bank Text Banking
45890 - VCAS
68510 - StateCenter
69841 - xfactor
87736 - Full tilt lbs alerts
32557 - Freshly
368388 - Dot Everywhere
56546 - ShaneCo Alerts *006468
57874 - AmwayAlerts
31226 - 93247 Wells Fargo Test Alerts
57879 - ConnectMe 360 Alerts
57872 - TALK APP
55211 - UWWCOVID19
742350 - RGA Mobile Alerts
69837 - NextDoor Safety Alerts
87744 - Vonage - 87744 IMN
57840 - AMAmerisleep
382674 - DTA
73095 - NYSUT Info Alerts
57848 - Safeway Just For You
99724 - 99724-CarInfo-Twilio
98408 - SPARECSAlerts
45878 - Southern LLC
326522 - Ecolab
69827 - Carl
44549 - Medumo - CareTours
20591 - Relay Msg Alerts
86423 - UFCW VOICE
57855 - Duke Energy Account Alerts
69821 - WSI Order Alrt
56525 - Non Profit Alerts
56529 - TULA
99737 - Spherion
56520 - Tulsa Transit Alerts
45844 - Northwell Health
61095 - Aspen Career Alerts
61096 - CareSource
61097 - GetCredit Alerts
61098 - Logiq
45849 - Citi 45849
61094 - EventNotifications
87761 - WWE
243725 - Bid Pal
87760 - ContestReviewGu
86435 - FirstRepublic
496674 - GetWellNetworkAlerts
57826 - APG FCU Text Banking
98415 - Cardmember Service Text to Apply
483353 - 87885 Maxx Wireless Huddle Chat
224911 - 224911-Chicago-Impact Mobile
398294 - 303 Taxi
87776 - MakeItPro Alerts
381313 - StageStores
882626 - GirlTrek
839839 - Knotice - Texas Roadhouse Text Email Ser
99754 - IdentityGuard
73067 - aldente promo alerts
99757 - COIN-Clear Channel Toledo
85122 - PLS Logistics
86457 - Text Your Group Now Message Alerts
57808 - Duke Energy Account Alerts
57807 - Duke Energy Account Alerts