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United Kingdom
29192 - Twilio 29192
54171 - mPulse Elder Care Tips
68795 - SaxendaSavingsCard
68796 - MarkCommunication
42192 - LibertyMutual2
55493 - Capital Bank Fraud Alerts
55495 - Penny Alerts
87940 - 88966 Enowit Qpins Alerts
42153 - Iowa High School Athletics
68785 - Synchrony Bank
86613 - Smart Giving Alerts
787839 - Survey Alerts
86619 - CBHHomesUpdates
79435 - Falcon Bank Text Banking
86620 - Mobi Alerts Now
622248 - Nabbit
43493 - TheTakePurchaseLinks
42165 - OODAPayStatements
87944 - StateFarm
79427 - SouthwestGas2
384636 - doTERRA
87963 - TryMe
87966 - Truveris
79425 - Qwick
474688 - Goldman Sachs
44792 - Paymint
821498 - Target1
68758 - FedEx SC 68758
43471 - Visa Gap Promotional 4
673802 - Microsoft
54127 - USCIS Case Alerts
360669 - 360Aware
54120 - DocMo 54120
67426 - Alight
26905 - Bambino
68747 - OCCC
29185 - Greenway
275533 - Sales force Alerts
42125 - Vivial Program Announcements
87990 - CrowdTwist
67400 - Sara Gideon ME
473367 - PressedJuicery
85336 - ViewPost
98647 - Yoox
85346 - CRM Texting Alerts
30103 - Universal Music Alerts
31437 - Consumer Preferences Test code
97328 - WSECU
42107 - The Hyperfactory Alerts
42102 - Sales force Alerts
85357 - LVVWD SNWA Alerts
42100 - Coors Mobile Alerts
86689 - 86689 -Honda-Twilio
20776 - Pet Valu
44769 - Firepush Alerts
32757 - myTXTRA
98666 - Red Alerts
96002 - Carts Guru
462662 - Hobnob
97336 - Culver Exchange
44732 - Hilton2fa
29143 - BounceX
942623 - OptinoseXhance
73297 - Talemetry
96010 - 96010 Visa
98673 - CHIDEO Celebrity Video & Promo Alerts
96014 - Twilio SC 96014
97349 - Talemetry
84045 - NCR Mobile Barcodes
44744 - Aspira Connect
30122 - Worldwide Insurance Services
20799 - CashPro Notification
44748 - GHS
43415 - Twilio 43415
32774 - XBox Alerts
98684 - Sales force Alerts
98682 - Doctor Reminder
98685 - HomeCareReorder
96027 - PickPointz
98688 - PPL
32773 - Aumnia
616411 - Grand Haven Alerts
68803 - BBY Internal
86599 - PatPat
68805 - Taft
32841 - 77106 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
56812 - 91152 MLB Player Vote 56812
97242 - Sales force Alerts
233733 - Be Free Info Alerts
85278 - SHCDirect
98582 - PennyHoarder
56823 - Live Ops
56824 - Tropicana Location Alerts
73386 - SeeToronto
85286 - RITA2FA
411000 - YtelConnect alerts
29221 - Macys MFA Code
61399 - Invenue-Mozebo Health News
474624 - MountSinai
47092 - Migration request for 47092
32862 - Talisman LBS
47091 - Sales force Alerts
29217 - Emmis KROX-FM Info Alerts
31537 - WEXTextAlertService
97267 - Emplify
334433 - Notifi Power Alerts
32867 - Favor
30205 - NAPA Auto Parts
677340 - SmartCustomerMobile
72044 - iVision Mobile Alerts 4
678678 - The Trevor Project notification
72049 - Lacera Notifications
20872 - MMS Voting
56807 - WestInteractive_InternalEmployeeMtgAlert
364287 - 73326 USEOC EMICUS Alerts
61387 - EzShield
61385 - Washify
29210 - mPulse Medicare Alerts
97270 - Infobip Demo
56805 - Nebraska DHHS1
31524 - PizzaHut
32857 - Arbor Financial Credit Union Text Bankin
72030 - 360 Info alerts
827527 - TCS Alerts and Info Services
654653 - Sales force Alerts
48398 - itext Global
47072 - Textco
32808 - PCP
629687 - Maximus Notific
73352 - Twilio 73352
73356 - Starbucks Mobile Messaging
81709 - Airship Development Alerts
448347 - Vardr Security Alerts
480480 - VensureEmployerNotf
74687 - Twilio 74687
62691 - Sales force Alerts
61364 - Visa Gap Promotional 5
62694 - MarquisHomeCare
23088 - SmartEnergyWater
72010 - R2010 Alerts
81716 - Sales force Alerts
23092 - Marketron Info Alerts
73343 - QT Commodity Alerts
768768 - CentralAccounting
74679 - Simry Alerts
767433 - Perfectly posh alerts
20846 - StudySoup
32829 - HyundaiBrochure
48376 - UPMC SMS Alerts
47050 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts_47050
81722 - STBX2FA
75990 - Madison Square Gardens
74669 - Twilio Alerts
72000 - MOBIT Alerts
72007 - Twilio 72007
74663 - eVerify lookup
75995 - Willam Hill NJ 2FA 75995
73329 - Assurant Flood Claim Alerts
47057 - 47057-FreebeePay-Twilio
80401 - Outvote
48396 - Schedule Alerts & Reminders
35087 - Penske Alerts
73325 - ING Direct Mobile
73326 - PlanetFitness
75984 - 80605 Wells Fargo Wholesale Alerts
73317 - BeefJ
737678 - Credit
63997 - Gaiam
736348 - WaMu Send Direct
62665 - Vibrent Health
62668 - Enerbank
61337 - Alerts
47028 - Baystone Marketing Alerts
60000 - ErieInsurance
24386 - ContestWatch
47026 - Click2Cellphone
23063 - 006202 SAE Institute Alerts 23063
49693 - MetLife Auto & Home Alerts
36368 - Campusfood
36363 - IDPH Alerts
73310 - InTEN
73316 - Welltok
226464 - bBoing
35034 - 77127 ClairMail Mobile Banking Alerts
50672 - Mejuri
62655 - SuezWater
62657 - ClinicQ
63987 - Isagenix
48364 - Maven Alert
61320 - GOTV South
568292 - GSK Coupons
23045 - Host Concepts Alerts *134906
47038 - ABFM
774636 - Planned Parenthood
48372 - AMSokoglam
61328 - Members 1st Online Banking Alerts
35021 - In-Stadium Twins
232497 - Account Alerts
73303 - Vehicle Demo
62644 - Sales force Alerts
62646 - Mziomo
63970 - 121744 Enowit Bobbyjs Deals Alerts
20808 - ILUMYA
467488 - Soapbox Mobile
74625 - HFMUS
74624 - BancorpSouth Text Banking
51980 - BannerBank
74618 - FCSFinancial
51982 - Falcon
80440 - The Urban Alternative
49674 - CharterService
49675 - TXT4WORK
80448 - Momentum
81779 - BigReport
62637 - ZB Test Alerts
75943 - AHWMHealthMessages
74613 - Loeb
36375 - Twilio info Marketing Alerts.
268436 - ANA
269767 - Box 2-Factor Authentication
353535 - 103488 Transit Mobile TMI Alert T2S Vote
23018 - UCRAYS
93767 - 77086 Wells Fargo Mobile Banking Alerts
74609 - Bi-Mart Alert
49648 - Salesforce
74604 - MercyAppointment
81780 - Welltok
25678 - Western Union
49646 - ESI Mobile
24341 - Patelco
75929 - Honcker New User Verification
923353 - WaffleHouse
50649 - FedEx Alerts
50648 - Pangea
50647 - Meeting Scheduler
977377 - XpressTax
36312 - BChicFashion
62616 - UnitedAirlines
50644 - AMAsos
38976 - Completails
38970 - iLoop Alerts
50619 - Seaworld
50617 - SMSBump
50614 - VitaNavisAlerts
62601 - TheCreditPros
24370 - FeedbackRequest
63937 - Pinch Me Alerts
37674 - CreditOneBank
23021 - NuSkin
25682 - Swarovski
38999 - FuzzyPetHealth
35004 - Salon Ultimate
876537 - Ultimate Gaming
91026 - Yesmail - Marketing IMN
51807 - International Truck
67396 - Tellfan
51801 - Dick's Card Alerts
79383 - SJVC
66056 - Sales force Alerts
79374 - 5StarNutrition
80382 - MedicarePlus
38818 - Radiance Labs Promo Alerts
80385 - Sonexus Health Pharmacy Alerts
38817 - PuraVida
38815 - Slumberland Credit Card App
78032 - PMallAlerts
54086 - OneMedical
79363 - ACTHoldings
66046 - Upfront
67379 - Tobi Alerts
80392 - BlueCross BlueShield Customer Survey
78030 - 91173 MLB Player Vote 78030
78024 - Hy-Vee Deals
54053 - Nebraska Medicine Alerts
38845 - RCUpay
91049 - GreaterGiving
25526 - NsightProductAlerts
25525 - Sciensio
66030 - 66030 Discover Test Code
42086 - Rays
91052 - SKS Orders
78019 - US Bank Token Alerts
31399 - MavDemo
54069 - STCU
683123 - NV enery power outage alerts
78000 - wixy promo alerts
56694 - Sales force Alerts
56693 - mitu
56695 - BMO Alerts
54035 - Coupon Insanity
79338 - Sales force Alerts
67344 - EParents
29071 - Postscript
43393 - VeteransCareNetwork
238669 - BET
29078 - EZ Texting Reminders & Promotions
748379 - Prescription Alerts
87812 - MS&L
54043 - LTK18
70994 - FrontierSupport
70992 - Chipotle Chatbot Customer Support
99808 - Sales force Alerts
67331 - Fidelity Test Code for Transactional Sec
91089 - Vitacost_AM
91088 - Sales force Alerts
91084 - CredexSystems
44691 - WorkCenterAlerts
67337 - VenueNext
54016 - Squarespace
42035 - Zynga2
44695 - GrabirAlerts
54014 - BreviumAlerts
69987 - TRoweAlerts
69980 - ParadigmPress
69982 - CircleK
91094 - Banner Health Alerts *006133
69981 - LoanDepot
87830 - 31 Gifts
444999 - 44499- Twilio
91093 - 006201 Vectren Alert System 91093
69983 - Sales force Alerts
91092 - Telmediq
69984 - PublixSuperMarkets
302010 - Google Shouts
86504 - Twilio SC 86504
87833 - 120891 Enowit RudysBBQ Deals Alerts
69986 - Instagram
79308 - Citi 79308
56688 - 56688-Trivia-WideOrbit
87847 - MonumentTrader
69976 - PreferredPediatric
69978 - NNI Dosage and Refill Reminders
69973 - LTK12
69974 - UOPGRAD Reminders
87844 - Everbridge Employee Alerts
99821 - Kubra SMS Service Test Code
56657 - Soluto
32685 - Travelers PI Policy Alerts
57985 - The Daily Tip Jar
55321 - Plivo, Inc.
56651 - ClickBid
44688 - Revolver TV
70962 - Mobile Fast
29031 - Bloomingdales Account Process
20695 - Visa Informational Alerts
29032 - Legacy
69961 - AT&T CCPA Info
604333 - PrizeLogic
86528 - RevSpringPatient
55330 - TracFone Alerts
32673 - Alfresco Food Alerts
111111 - TEST
56665 - Text2Screen
43323 - 100 Pure Promo Alerts
44656 - OJOHome
44658 - cyberdrawer
629629 - MaxSquare Promo Alerts
43329 - Bringg
29067 - MyKaarma
85207 - Citi 85207
44653 - Sales force Alerts
29068 - Energage
98517 - KSW Alerts
86536 - RaiseVerification
55307 - Ancestry
56631 - Kone
448482 - GitHub 2-Factor Authentication
45998 - Sales force Alerts
45996 - Accurate
69948 - WGU
894546 - Twilio SMS
86545 - ComplySMS
42000 - Journey Church Alerts
85214 - Madison Square Gardens
45994 - IT Carepayments
45995 - 82667 LSN ATL Alerts 45995
43333 - Progressive Leasing - Marketing
45992 - Ruggable
87878 - 121768 Soundbite AT&T U-verse Alerts
85215 - Jittawiz Alerts
87877 - Procter and Gamble
986986 - 98point62FA
31366 - 31366 -List-Twilio
56648 - KFC
576576 - Kids Read Now Alerts *006376
21998 - Trialcard Mobile Alerts
522767 - Sales force Alerts
20669 - ShopRite Order Alerts
20663 - Lancaster MyLG Alerts
21997 - AGSAlerts
70929 - Gavilon
86557 - 86557
43300 - 43300 -Sysnify-Twilio
87888 - OM Health Tips
31318 - Global Citizen
73196 - Connections Alerts
44646 - PropellerAlerts
43313 - Mypath
85232 - Beam Living
31308 - FMC Dealer SMS
87896 - LifeSource Text Alerts
44641 - GRN
345123 - Dillard's Credit Card App
31302 - CallWave text messaging
98541 - 2SMS Alerts
99877 - Twilio SC 99877
97218 - CueSquared
99878 - BrooklynHospital
99879 - GESA CU Text Banking
85241 - 006242 Shiftnote Alert 85241
44614 - The Money Tree
359736 - SFOFlights
70907 - Triplay_Super Messaging
85247 - TotalLifeChanges
29022 - Docs Prediction
29025 - HealNow
57922 - mPulse Flu Shot Alerts
97222 - LiveVox 97222
359732 - STIA Flight
33992 - 130861 Cincinnati Bengals Alerts
85256 - ICount 2020
85259 - 85259-LiveOps
99891 - Julep
29009 - Sales force Alerts
99892 - US Bank Corporate Payment System Access
99893 - RIAlerts
33983 - VTL Board
74498 - Rakuten Account Alerts
33981 - AACC Password Management
61295 - Black Swan Disaster Alerts
61293 - PaymodeX
20744 - JustForMen
61298 - UOW CAA
61292 - Skycreek Appt Reminder Alerts
32729 - TimSykes
501060 - One time Password
424453 - Gaggle Alerts
99788 - LiveVox 99788
98458 - Citi SC 98458
44717 - Norwegian Cruise Lines Casino At Sea Ale
778273 - Square Alerts
32718 - True Religion
86483 - UNICEFUnite
85159 - Campus Bellhops
85157 - Lessonly Inc
61289 - Visa 61289
99791 - Diamond Resorts Alerts
298363 - ByteAlerts
73265 - Seamless Web
85165 - Twilio 85165
97140 - Kinemo
73252 - RenatusCommunication
32748 - MindBodyGreen Alerts
73250 - UWAGI
85173 - CPM FTEU Appointment Reminders
85176 - Peach Menu alerts
62590 - Pfizer Job Search and Alerts
31408 - FirstDay
61268 - 3jam
44709 - Sales force Alerts
82907 - RepublicService
232557 - Bealls Mobile
48279 - Lunex
61258 - AmericanTrucks Mobile Alerts *006871
61253 - MobiSix
97162 - MatrixCare SMS
97164 - Sales force Alerts
97165 - CirrusMD
73239 - Sales force Alerts
74568 - Otair SC 74568
85191 - LOC-AID Trivia Campaign
36287 - FMH Alerts
20707 - Phone2Action4
85198 - DOCPACEAlerts
85197 - CFG Crd Alerts
97181 - IAN
48290 - 48290 Mastercard
82924 - LiveProcess
73224 - EdNC
74558 - SIKKU
73227 - Commercial Digital Banking
75886 - ScheduleIt
61235 - Spotify Info Alerts
48255 - Google - gtalk
32706 - mGage Employee Alerts
48258 - Vroom
50571 - KouponMediaB
82931 - Credit Union 1 Text Banking
32704 - Curacubby
550055 - SimplyCast
877911 - UP Response Management
63889 - LCCCAlerts
94925 - PotteryBarnMktg
628222 - Navicab
62554 - PSE
63882 - SandCloud
63884 - GoToMyTEXT
48271 - Berbix2FA