Short Code 20222 Messaging Campaigns Details

Company: Mobile Giving Foundation Canada
Phone: 1-855-643-6431
Address: 80 Elgin Street, Suite 300 Ottawa, ON K1P 6R2
SMS Programs: Mobile Giving

Mobile Giving Foundation Canada -  text message giving programs also uses other short codes such as 20222, 30333, 45678, 41010, and 80100.

Text HELP for HELP and info about the text campaign.

Text STOP to opt out from the Mobile Giving Foundation text messaging campaign.

Campaign is used to raise money for social campaigns via SMS.  Donate via SMS or text to get info.  It is a premium short code which charges your phone bill immediately after you text in the short code to donate.


Today marks the beginning of two of the most powerful days of the year for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund!

As their 2022 radio-telethon kicks off, they continue with the fight against cancer. Its mission is to provide expert, compassionate care to children and adults while advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and cure.

Within seconds, you can help by texting #KCANCER to 20222 to make a one-time $25 donation. Thank you for your consideration and support!


Information and details for Short Code 20222
Campaign Keywords: WATER, SMALLBIZ, HUMANE

Short Code Mobile Giving Foundation Canada text messaging

Short Code Mobile Giving Foundation Canada text messaging

Short Code Mobile Giving Foundation Canada text messaging

Short Code Mobile Giving Foundation Canada text messaging

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